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Posts posted by pikeguy

  1. i always low ball them to get them going. Say 20,000 for a car i will offer 14,000 knowing there is no way that will happen.

    then hope they will respond with something decent.

    if not i ask what i will get with it (goodies i hope)

    and i always ask for a tank of gas

    never believe them when they say that's as low as i can go try to go a little lower



    just bought the wife's car got a good deal this way,

    and i go with my family when they want to by a car i love to haggle.

  2. So i just got back frome fishing on the west arm did not do to well cough some pickerel lots of rock bass and perch.

    But the water was still at 65.6 for the most part i really hope that the water warm's up to get the big guy's moving around


    And Randy hope you make it would be great to meet another northerner

  3. Just got back from visiting a friend in Marten river black flies are getting bad but i live up here so for me thats normal. Water is still cold fish are not to aggressive, Drifting or still fishing is beater,well it was today

    on the plus side there were no dear flies out.

    i spray my self with bug dope to keep them off me and bring it with me in the boat"don't leave home with out it "

    Water level is normal

    water temp will be up soon hopefully by the time u get up here



    have fun on your trip and good luck to you



  4. If your flywheel is not damaged then you do not have the wrong pinion gear the teeth on the flywheel and the starter would be damaged. a cracked housing could be when you installed it over torqued the bolts or was not seated properly.

    could just be that it got to hot from the heat of the motor, thats y some starters have heat shield

    there can be a number of reasons that it cracked this is just a few.


    But from what i got from my friend who use to be in the marine repair there is not a a big difference between a car starter and a marine.

    if i remembered properly a merc is a GM motor


  5. i would suggest taking a guide for a day and learn some spots. If you want pickerel i would suggest hitting the five fingers i have always done well when i went there. always watch the waters for bait fish close to the rocks chances are the'rs pike about the area.

    fished there quite often and done well.


    good luck on your trip

  6. ya i finally found it in sudbury. CT has only had it for 3 weeks now!

    can someone tell me how much i should be putting in to 22L of gas plz


    i'm confused on how much to put in there i believe the the bottle said 1-4 onces per gallon

  7. i will be there with Shorty


    gonna go out and put a fish farm net out and all the big pike i catch will go in there.whistling.gif


    This way i can win the trophy this year and keep it in norther Ontario clapping.gifthumbsup_anim.gif


    any other northerners going this year ? Hope so would like to meet some other peps that fish nippissing.


  8. so last year at this time i was on the end of my sisters dock saying that we wont have any water on Nippissing. This year i'm getting the barrels ready to keep the dock from floating away.Its happened before lol thats how my sister ended up with a new dock.whistling.gif. well i'm glade to see the water up and that i wont have to rebuild my prop to many times this year.

    I can't wait for the g2g this year had a blast last year and plan on going this year and since there is water it could be even more enjoyable out there

  9. The power of the human heart

    Is not measured on a meter

    But by the passion it has


    The power of the human heart

    Can't be seen by the naked eye

    But by the effect it has


    The power of the human heart

    Is not powered by a machine

    But by the will it has


    The power of the human heart

    Can't have a negative effect

    But by the strenth it has


    A power so great

    A power so full

    The visions it can create

    The visions intact

    You can't put on an act

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