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Posts posted by pikeguy

  1. Hi,


    I have a boat which is pretty old and has some dull fiberglass. Anyone ever fixed this and if so wouldn't mind some suggestions on what worked for you.


    Thanks in advance.




    This is what i did to my boat, sand it down,90,50,20 sand paper till it looks good no black on it, apply 3 coats of resin to it thats all i needed smoothed it out then paint it


    got all i needed at CT the have it all there and not a bad price there are 2 different paints one for the bottom thats in the water and one for the top for the sun

    get the one that u need and follow the instruction on the can


    good luck let me know how you made out

  2. It was great to meet you Joe & Paul, Visit may have bean short but maybe next time

    Those are some great pics you have there

    but i notice that Roy had his PFD on when he was on shore but the other pic he is in the boat and not wearing it. lolblink.gif

    but i get the felling thats Roy tongue.gif


    hoping to see you both next time.

    take care and tell Paul i want to see pics of him catching the big one thumbsup_anim.gif


  3. it was great to meet you Rich. This was our first time at a GTG. We met alot of plp and mad some new friends

    i cant wait for next year,We were maid to feel welcome and all got along.

    unfortunately the fish were not on our side this time, but maybe next year


    Great report and pic hopw to meet up again

  4. went out for a run today and we maid out pretty good i would say


    Shorty caught 4 and i got 4. yahoo i did not get out fished today unlike last weekend blush.gif









    Sorry to ppl that came up to lakair guess you came up to erly whistling.gif


    no but we did catch them at the mouth of the west arm. It would be about 15-20 boat ride i'm guessing from lakair

    should have listened to corvette1 and went for a run to there.

  5. Fishing Nipissing I assume?? Where are you launching?


    Launching from Laving south of Verner. But it wont be till latter i just found a problem with my truck have to fix it in the morning

    then i will be heading out. Antifreeze under the truck gonna find from were then i gone it takes me about 1 hr to get there.


    If you want bring your boat and we can meet up at some time we can set up a meet place and time.

  6. some great pics you got there.



    That was a great weekend lots of fun made some new friends from way down south and in ontario

    great bunch.



    We may have been tied on saturday but i went home with mine thumbsup_anim.gif so i guess i won that rofl2.gif (oops that was for Art)



    And Shorty said thanks for the beans they were great

  7. Not really a guide service, more a shuttle service. For $20 I'll drive you to the secert spot and after I,m finished fishing ,I,ll pick you up again. Here's the spot, what more could you ask for,all the comforts of home... :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:





    did the beer cooler float away lolw00t.gif

  8. If that knife is spring operated, I think it might be prohibited here in Canadia.


    Here is the text:

    The Canadian Criminal Code defines the switchblade:


    "A knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife." (sec. (84)(1)(B))





    The police toke away my knife a few years back. according to him its illegal to carry a knife that you can open with one hand..

    I had a butterfly knife

  9. 4 more sleeps for me until my Nip trip for a week.


    Trip kinda fell apart...

    5 of us going up originally.

    Then one can't come up until the Wednesday.

    Then 2 of them have to leave on the Tuesday.

    The the guy coming up on the Wednesday bailed all together. (Stuck paying $440.00 for him)

    The guys leaving Tuesday don't want to buy all the food together..

    (If you go all together and buy it, you don't double up on stuff). Makes sense no?


    Geeez, I tell ya.




    ya usually you would do that. On our hunting trips we each make a list of what we want or like then one guy goes and does the shopping and w split the cost

    every one for them self is more costly and it takes more time to eat.


  10. As much as the smoke reduced and the price tripled when I went from the Shell Nautilus.. to Amsoil my plugs last longer..... and when I went from Amsoil to Royal Purple the smoke is even less and the plugs stay the same....





    Well thanks for the info randy was contemplating the change i use the Shell Nautilus

    and now i got some info from others as well thanks

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