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  1. With all due respect when the founding fathers put in the gun laws the worst you had to worry about was a musket its a little different than what is on the market today ya think?
  2. Go learn what a theory means in science, gravity is a theory do you question it too? you can question evolution all you want but is scientifically proven time and time again, no serious scientist questions evolution those that do are on the fringe and laughed at by the rest of their professions.
  3. Island Marina at the North end of Scugog Island on Lake Scugog rents till the 15th of November if I am not mistaken. Google them and give them a call.
  4. So if it won't run like a Jake then use it as a sub surface jerk bait.
  5. Go get a white belly perch grandma, I've caught about a dozen muskies on scugog and 11 have come on that lure. Just leave everything else at home.
  6. Just be happy you mostly fish bass, it get much more expensive when you buy musky baits almost exclusively. Where do I sign up for lure buyers annonymous?
  7. Well the weatherman was calling for another day of bad weather so we decided to stay a little closer to home and hit up Scugog again. We finished packing up the boat only to discover that our net had gone missing, not ideal when out chasing toothy critters. Got on the water at about 8AM and spent a little time testing out the new trolling motor which with the wind it was a little frustrating. So we headed over to a spot that my wife picked and when we stopped in about 3 feet of mostly sandy bottomed water I told her she was crazy. First cast out, on a 6" Grandma I hook into this little beauty. It's funny I buy crazy amounts of lures and this lure is all I have caught fish on the last little while. Nice fight and of course I never heard the end of it from the wife. Not a whole lot of action for a while so we move down to where I had a really nice fish take a couple swipes at a lure a couple weeks back. I put the same Grandma back on (the same one the fish a couple weeks ago also went after) and about 2 casts in a fish just hammers my bait, managed to tear 2 trebbles clear off the lure. Now of course as I mentioned we did not have a net with us and I could tell this was a good sized and very angry fish. This fish wanted no part of the boat whatsoever and having no net did not help the situation. I was surprised how fat she was for a summer musky, really wide across the back. I didn't find the measuring tape till just as she was taking off and as she had no energy did not want to take her back out to measure her but I managed to get a rough 41 inch measurement as she was being revived. I was really concerned for the fish as we got it back in the water and it was very lethargic. I had been reviving the fish for about 10-15 minutes and it had shown no vitality at all. My friend (OFC member) Travis took over and after another 10-15 minutes the fish finally kicked her tail and took off to the depths. Unfortunately my boat mates didn't have much luck other than a few pan fish. We decided to troll for a bit on our way back to the marina and I did manage to catch a very decent largemouth but I got into so many weeds and with the musky rod I didn't even realize I had a fish on until it got 5 feet behind the boat and Travis informed me there was a fish dragging along amongst the mass of weeds. I got it about a foot from the boat and it spat the hook so no pic. Overall the weather held off, I managed a new PB musky and I wasn't working, which I will be 7 days a week for the next 3 weeks or so. Going to have to go find some more of the perch pattern Grandmas as it seems to be the older no longer in production pattern and that musky put a hurt on it. Cheers Jonaton
  8. As I mostly fish musky I really like the selection of stuff JB's has, the prices for of lot of the produts not so much. Their rods and reels are priced very decently but some of their lures are absurdly expensive. I was looking at a shallow invader the other day that was $15.99 at LeBarons and $20.99 for the exact same model at JB's. However in the end JB's has far far more musky tackle than anywhere else I have ever been, so until a semi local musky specific store opens they'll still get a good chunk of my business.
  9. Don't really fish for bass much anymore but they seem to really like a 6" Jake in perch pattern, also keeps the dinks off mostly.
  10. Canal Lake is filled with hammerhandle pike, like infested, if there are any muskies left in the lake i don't know anyone who has caught one in a while. But there is good bass fishing and the pike while small can keep you entertained, who knows maybe there are a few muskies left.
  11. We decided to hit Cooks Bay briefly this afternoon and got off just in time. We ended up towing a boat off that had lost power in Bradford just as we were getting off the water and from the time we hooked our boat to the trailer to the time it was driven out of the launch it got so bad we left it and drove for cover. The wind went from nothing to the point we had to pull our boat in behind another much larger boat as it was staring to get blown off the trailer. Hail, lightning and no visibility at all then all the power around us went out. 5 more minutes on the water we would have been in big trouble.
  12. http://www.northamfishing.com/ Unfortunately they are not carried by many stores, many people just order them online.
  13. This is the one I was looking at and it just so happened that one is for sale here in the classifieds, hopefully I can post my wifes first musky soon.
  14. We had our yearly week at the cottage this past week and my wife got her first pike and now would like to move up to joining me on some of my musky outings. Try as I might she is just not getting the hang of a baitcaster and would like to stick with a spinning set up. I spent some time looking at rods and there are not too many out there that are rated for throwing bigger lures, or at least not that I came across. As it will be her one rod it needs to be an all round musky rod and in the $100-$120ish range if that is possible. It doesn't have to nececarily be a musky specific rod just have enough backbone to get the job done. I'll add the cottage report later but needless to say I will not be returning to Crowe lake again any time soon. Thanks Jonaton
  15. I worked in a union breifly and I wanted out as fast as I could. What I saw was people being overpayed for a shocking amount of apathy and lazyness. Unions need to go the way of the dodo for almost all sectors of employment, whille I understand why they were created this isn't a coal mine in the 1900's. I have never been screwed by an employer, why would I? I take sick days if I'm on my death bed, work hard, don't slack off and don't try to take advantage of the employer every way I can. I find most, not all, of those who have been "screwed" deserved it for being lazy dog shaggers always sick Monday or Friday who will drop the job the second 5PM hits regardles of what is going on. Unions mostly now serve to protect the lazy and stupid workers who hide behind their unions that are now as big a business as the guys they were brought in to fight against. Seriously get over yourselves
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