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  1. Great place and good times there! Was there this past year, did some simple jigging from a pedal boat (just peddled out to where the water went from turquoise to dark blue and dropped a jib) and caught a few small rockfish. Did see a good sized 'cuda crashing a school of baitfish in about 6 inches of water at sunset - very cool!
  2. ^^ This. I get tired of the fly vs. gear argument and stereotypes (a bunch of fairy-wand, micro-fly greenies vs. redd-raping meat fisherman) - as stated above, there are idiots who fish both ways (and in the case of many LO tribs, an interesting combo of the two!). My point in my first post was that why would only fly anglers care about a dead atlantic - are they the only ones who care about the resource? No - there are many 'fly anglers' who would happily snag that same fish and throw it on the stringer while I know there are many gear anglers that would happily release it back into the river... Kingsalmon that sucks that someone was a prick too your kid, not cool - but if he had been toting an ugly stick and spinning reel (instead of expensive fly gear), would you still spray it all over the net and try to push a stereotype?
  3. Are you implying that only fly-fisherman care about not killing a native species that is struggling? So your saying gear-guys don't care about the resource? What a clever comment....
  4. I was wondering about this - I took a stroll down there on Sunday and have never seen so many dead, molested fish in my life! One stretch probably had 30 carcasses that had been filleted and left (who the hell would eat that anyways?) and then hundreds of other's had the belly's cut.....frustrating thing was I didn't catch a single person do anything out of line while I was there. Its sad to see how disrespectful people can be towards the resource. P.S. In the article it mentions 'eyes removed from fish' - is this not seagulls?
  5. I'm from BC and everybody and their dog fishes those 'eggs' out there...I've seen alot of fish caught on them out that way - most times with just a single egg and pinch of wool...some guys tie them in bags but most don't
  6. Bump. Lets all take a moment and soak up this quote. Your not Kenny Powers by any chance are you?
  7. They are lake O salmon - didn't you know salmon from the dirty, ugly pacific ocean swim down around the tip of south america just to come spawn in the pristine G.L tribs? THOSE are the pacific salmon mentioned in the regs...
  8. Talked to a CO out there a couple weeks ago - at that point he said it had fallen 4.5ft over the past 8 weeks! If you have a rowboat (i.e. no weeds snagging a trolling prop) there is still some good pike fishing to be had...fly rod with a floating line keeps you outta alot of the crap
  9. I picked up an Intex Mariner inflatable a couple of months ago and it has been fantastic - roll-out hard floor is stable enough for me to stand up and move around on (i fly fish so this is important) and the boat has an inflatable keel which adds to both stability and tracking. Comes with fully-rotating oar locks, oars, inflatable seats etc. When deflated everything fits into a bag that fits into the trunk of my civic. Got mine on ebay for $250 - i think they sell the motor mount for another $30 or so...
  10. St. Lawrence seaway closes on Dec. 28 this year.
  11. would a salmon biting your bag hurt?

  12. everyone is too nice on here...RAPALABOY, WILL YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP? I think thats what everyone means...
  13. thanks, John. PM sent.
  14. Here we go with a question about the C - hang on tight! I'm a little confused about access above the QEW but below Erindale - on the CRAA website it has this listed as a sanctuary but nowhere in the regs is this mentioned (that I can find). Being new to ONT I am a little unclear on the water rights laws as well - if one could access this stretch legally and stayed 'wet boot' is it legal? Sorry for the dumb question but some places I have lived go by the 'wet boot' policy and some do not. Thanks - please PM if you are worried about pasting sensitive info all over the net.
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