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Posts posted by buick14

  1. Hey guys,


    Does anybody know a local store that might hold a decent selection of salmon trolling spoon containers , I am looking for something like the special mate tackle box or similar to hold 100+ trolling spoons of various sizes? I live in Toronto.the bottom link is what I'm looking for, or any tackle management system that's similar, will show all my spoons and so they don't clank and chip like crazy. Thanks!




    Thanks! Mark

  2. Had 2 okuma C3 (not 40x model) thought would be similar performance to the original cumara at the time, not even close . Although light, I never felt that rod offered anything I couldn't find elsewhere for cheaper. Not to mention both dropped the inside eyelit of a guide , closer to the bottom. Couple that with the my prior experience with their reels, and I won't b touching them again for a while. Do yourself a favour, and buy a st croix avid....not as flashy, but over the top

  3. Their beliefs have nothing to do with this issue. Frankly, I'm not surprised that this issue has arisen. I've seen first hand what these "fisherfolk" leave behind.. The shoreline on the east side of the pond is a war zone. These yahoos have to learn how to clean up after themeselves if we get to keep our fishing priviledges...


    I've seen the lot that fishes that pond, they rape and pillage when the pan fish are spawning, leave a heap of junk behind them and generally have no regard for anyone else. Ask them what a fishing license is and they havn't got a clue. Forget a language barrier.

    Well put Max Power

  4. Gotta stop these tree hugging, tin hat wearing, call my kid

    Hayden or Colton loafs...... They need to be stomped out like an unwanted bug....And hard!!!!!!!No place in our society for "Holier than thou" passive aggressive dolts.

    X2. You tell 'em Moxie. Im super pissed. They are taking away MY RIGHTS for their beleifs.

  5. Some bodies of water I fish, you'd be lucky to catch Crappie during the day. One lake in particular is strickly night bite.


    Some victims from this past Sunday night.



    Thatta boy Slop! Some incredible discus sized papermouths! I never understood why they choose to feed after dark , it's not like they have a tapetum like a walleye for low light conditions...guess the same question/answer applies to summer night time murdering OL' red-eyes, location. Be on top of them, they hit ...

  6. I'm hearing alot of new and interesting opinions! I agree with the glow scent and sound bit, best bite happens at or after midnight?? Really? If you legitimately mean that, my fishing trips should be a lot longer (lol and more value for my gas money to my spots also!!!!!...)....don't know if my fiancé will like that...


    Keep it coming guys....it's weird I caught my biggest pike at 10pm (seemed incredibly rare to me!)...

  7. Hey guys,


    I was just curious on when people call it quits for walleye and crappie


    I find that (and im sure MANY will agree) theres a short period 20mns before and 20mns after sundown, and it seems like thats it call her quits.


    Theres been many times I had been out, and there are people just starting to come on the ice (say 5:30) to fish.


    So, do many of you actually consistently catch, and actively fish for crappie and walleye (at say 7pm-10pm) or are you like me, and pack up shortly after dark (lol as the bite seems to shut down and never starts back up for me)


    Interested in hearing if many walleye and crappie fisherman quit when I do, or still fish when "the big fish lurk"(supposidly)

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