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Blue Lk

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Posts posted by Blue Lk

  1. Stepped outside my motel room in Dryden and there was no mistaking where they were Gerritt. We are just at dusk here with still a little blue in the sky. Pretty cool. Thanks for pointing that out.


    Funny thing,I am about 20 miles west (Eagle River area),was just on the deck & noticed the same thing,came inside & read your post.

    Thx for the heads up Gerritt.

  2. I am not trying to be funny here, but if you dont like something....DONT EAT IT! Seems there are an awful lot of methods people have invented to make it not taste like fish. :unsure::dunno:


    I agree with Simon on this 1,I don't care for the taste of trout(have tried several methods of preparing trout,just don't like it),I C&R any trout I catch.

    Give me walleye anyday.

  3. Simon,I tried to PM you about this but was getting error msg,there is also a plowed access road on the north side of Eagle,on Evergreen Rd at the end of Townline Rd.

    I haven't had the chance to get out there yet,shame on me,this 5 min from wear I hang my hat in the winter months.

    I have heard they are getting some nice fish.

  4. All of my rods excepy my ultralite spinning outfit are 2 pc,I mainly fish small remote lakes & carry my stuff on my quad.I have never broken a 2 pc rod but have broke a couple 1 pc rods,1 by closing my truck door on it & another caught a tree on my way into a lake.

    I have been told 1 pc rods are more sensitve but they are not practical for this fisherman.

  5. When my boys were just kids & learning to fish they were given closedfaced spincast reels,no major snarl-ups made for a better day for them & me.

    I remember attaching a boot lace between the rods & the boat after looseing 1 or 2


    My spinning outfits are left at the summer place in an unheated area all winter with no adverse effects.

  6. Bush,NWO is still a great place to live.

    I spent almost the first 40 yrs of my life in Dryden,but could never live in a town/city again.

    2 hours in a big city & I have had enough.


    This is the deck veiw where I spend my winters.



    And this the deck veiw where I spend the other 3 seaons.



    Life in the north is Great.

  7. I have been following this amazing jouney & have not responded or made any comments to date.

    I felt that anything I had to add would be inadaquate & trivial as compared the determination & outstanding courage shown by your daughter,yourself & your family.

    This is truly an awe inspriring story & I do not have the words to pay proper tribute.

    I would like to wish you all the best in the future.



  8. Many of us have been out of school longer than some of you have been alive.

    We may work in a "blue collar" job than doesn't test our spelling & grammer skills.I have no problem reading posts with incorrect spelling or grammer,most members get their point across regardless of their language skills.

    Is this a fishing forum or a hangout for english teachers? :whistling:

    If there are any mistakes in this post,TFB,I will not apologize for them.

  9. If you download Itunes(I think you will be directed there 1rst time you plug Ipod into your computer)

    You can transfer your tunes from your CD's,you select which tunes to transfer so you do not have to download the entire CD.Your songs will be stored in your Itunes program & when you plug in your Ipod they will be "synced" to your Ipod.

    No difficult at all,you allready have the tunes so why buy more.If I figured it out anybody can.


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