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Blue Lk

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Posts posted by Blue Lk

  1. Shag that sounds like good heart.

    The gang I moose hunt with have a bit of a tradition.

    For years we have been cooking moose heart the night of the harvest (if lucky enuf to get a tag & lucky enuf to put an arrow into a moose)

    It has become a learning experience over the years & some have been better than others.

    The last few hearts were stuffed with a mixture of wild rice,onions,celery,garlic & some chopped apple.

    Wrapped in bacon,foil wrapped & slow cooked over the coals.

    The recipe is constantly evolving,maybe because there is allways some celebratory drinks involved & our memories are not as good as they once were.

  2. Something I do with pork tenderloin or thick chops.

    Marinate with oyster sauce,I know,sounds gross but does give a very nice flavour & keeps them moist & tender.

    Just put pork in a ziplock with chopped garlic & oyster sauce.No salt needed because oyster sauce is salty enuf as is.

    Let them marinade for 8hrs & put right on grill no rinsing.

  3. Just a little tip if you are using "farm manure",instead of mixing it straight into your soil,make a tea by adding water to a container partially filled with manure.

    Use the tea to fertilize.

    Using this method will cut down on the weeds & clover seeds.

    I have access to lots of very well aged horse manure,GF currently has 3 of these big yard ornaments (horses) & there have been horses on the property for 15+yrs.

    Even the stuff from the oldest piles still contain lots of clover.

  4. After a couple of years of retirement I decided to work p-time & got a casual position at the local LCBO,this area sees more than our share of American fishermen & they love our Canadian whiskey (who doesn't).Allmost everyday one or more would complain about the cost of alcohol & gas in Ontario & how come we put up with these prices.I would answer with a question of my own."How much do you spend a month in healthcare premiums?"

    That would normally end the conversation.

    While our system isn't perfect it is pretty darn good.

  5. I sometimes make a horseradish sauce to go with a good grilled steak

    1 cup sour cream

    1/4 cup horseradish

    Teaspoon each mustard & vineger

    salt & pepper.

    Make this a few hours ahead as it gets better as the flavours meld.

  6. Sometimes deep cycle batteries become sulfated (build up on plates)

    Some "smart" chargers can identify this condition & go into a desulfate mode,enabling the battery to accept charging.

    My cheap ctc "smart" charger has saved more than 1 battery for me when I thought they were finished.

  7. I hope MNR gets it right this time,

    In response to the hunt being about meat,

    I don't go for the meat,if a moose is harvested,great,but it is not the main reason I go.

    I started bow hunting 20+ years ago,since then the whole experience has been about having a close encounter with the game.

    Allmost nothing gets your blood up like a big bull responding to your call,a moose looks very big at 8yds.

    On some years that my group hasn't been lucky enough to get tags,we have still gone to camp & attempted to call in the big guys just for the thrill.

  8. It seems I have "issues" with Bell Expressvu a couple times a year.

    The last time I called in I was told the wait time was 20-30 minutes or I could arrange for them to call me back,which I did.

    While waiting for the call I went online & dealt with a rep through a chat box,my problem was resolved in 5 minutes.

    If this service is available with the company you are dealing with it definitely a better way to go,imo

  9. If you plan on grilling meat over a fire it you have to watch what type of wood you use.Imo,softwoods wouldn't be very good.

    The trouble with this part of NWO is the shortage of hardwood type trees,maybe that's not the case in Fort Frances area.

    I've grilled over birch coals & the result wasn't too bad.

  10. Events such as this make me glad I grew up in a different place & time.

    We had a neighborhood rink right at the end of the street & a sliding hill right beside that,in fact both are still there and in use.

    When I was newly married we rented a house about a block from Chris Pronger's parents,there was a street hockey game non-stop 12 months of the year.It was easier to go the other way down the road street rather interrupt the young Pronger brother's game

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