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Blue Lk

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Posts posted by Blue Lk


    They are stopping the funding of the ELP,it is hoped that somebody else will take it over,lots of locals veiw the area as a huge waste of taxpayer dollars run by empire building scientists.

    If it is so important to the entire world perhaps it should be funded by the UN.

  2. Thanks for all the replies,I laugh everytime I watch it.

    GF had tears streaming down her face on the dock.

    The whole area in front of my place is infected with nesting bass,not a bad thing if you know what to look for.

    The dogs aren't too eager to jump in for a swim by the dock,they both have been bumped,so funny to watch.

  3. It seems I get nesting smallmouths under my dock every year.

    Normally they come out & give you a bump around the ankles,decided to catch the "action the other day.

    GF had the camera while I aproached the dock.

    The jerk surprised me when he dashed out & bite my big toe.

    As you may be able to tell,he surprised me pretty good.

    Click for short vid.



  4. If you had a choice of retirement waterfront locations in Ontario, where would you settle south of North Bay? Why?

    "been there,done that"




    I am a "tad" north of North Bay though.

    Lots of lakes,great hunting,4 1/2 hrs from ThBay,3 hrs to Winnipeg & realestate prices that won't break the bank.


    OK have to admit,not fully retired,started working 3 days a week :whistling:

  5. Every year these suckers come into shore around the last week of May.

    Today was not the best for pics(overcast & a slight chop)but I gave it my best effort.

    As you can see they are right under my dock & boatlift.






    Lots of splashing along the shoreline,but every time I tried to catch the action they must have sensed my presence & headed to deeper water.

  6. Hi all,


    i will be visiting my wife's family in Dorchester , from july 14th to 23rd.....i will be staying at Erieau in a trailer by the lake...anyone wanna take me fishing while i'm down south?



    Simon,all the local "eyes" will be breathing a collective sigh of relief while you are away,safe for allmost 2 weeks. :good:

  7. My GF works in a hospital about 80 kms north of Dryden,on her last night shift a sow & cub were reported to be hanging around the dumpster which just happens to be beside the smokeing area.

    The hospital response was,if you are going out for a smoke,look out for the bears.

    Just goes to show you the difference in attitudes between the north & south.

    In the summer when I go to the local dump there can be several bears in the area,I have had 1 climb into the box of my pick-up,no big deal up here.

  8. Simon & Scott,thats is pretty cool,sm bass on a flyrod is something I have been wanting to try for years.

    Fly fishermen are a very rare breed in this area of NWO.

    My home lake holds lots of smallies,perhaps you 2 should head out this way & teach this "old dog" some new tricks this season.

  9. Fish4Eyes,


    I have a feeling most people when talking about RAV4 are making comments based on what they've seen or know of the 4 cyl version....heck many don't even know it comes with V6 as well....and may have never seen one on the road....not that ,many of them really....night and day difference in size, power, towing

    .and it does look bigger but it may not be easily seen from the road. Definately has a lof of room compared to the 4 cyl one....



    Ice Fisherman


    There is no difference in size, any Rav4 with a 4 or 6 cyl is the same size in that model year.

    It sounds like you have your mind made up,why ask for advise,lots of good points brought up that you choose to ignore.

  10. Buy a new Naden out of Temagami Boat Manufacturing Inc. I need to see some returns.... :whistling: PM me if you want a quote.


    Heaviest 14'r is 265lbs




    The 14' Fisherman is 240 lbs




    The light fisherman is only 160lbs.




    If they build them like they did in Vermilion Bay,you can't go wrong.

    In this neck of the woods,you see a Naden in about every second yard.

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