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Everything posted by skunked

  1. I come from a centerpin/spinning background, I'v always thought of trying fly fishing considering I use fly's , a lot! So i recently borrowed my friends 6wt rod, a chepie, but a heck of a lot of fun. I've landed many many catfish in the 10oz-2lb range. and a heck of a lot of pan fish on a local pond. Im pretty addicted now.If I had the money I would get a Thomas&Thomas Whisper-Lite and a Saracione Mark IV reel. But thats what the prince and princess Diana got as a gift..hefty price tag. so Im looking at the abel Trout TR reel and yet to decide on a rod.
  2. at Eglinton Wynford Don Valley, I stopped by just off eglinton to take a break in the shade, I startled a doe. it ran down the hill lightning speed. about 14 years ago in the same valley but closer to the DVP i saw another doe.
  3. I've been there years back. didnt get caught and minus the mud
  4. 'another possible reason shes my ex
  5. funny I went to sunnyside beach last summer with my ex. at low e-coli levels(look then up) and she got some yest infestion and I got some sort of pink eye!! I'd never swim in there again..
  6. [ As for Ross G. Lord park, I am very curious where this 'lake' exists. If you mean the pond/resevoir at the south end of the park... that is hardly suitable for anything recreational. For all I know that is the runoff from last years sinkhole at Finch and Dufferin. I'v seen carp in there years back. Even heard of bass. But if you look at a google map satellite image of finch dufferin today, and all spring, its been DRY! only a little river running through it, I remember when it looked like a deep mud hole! now its a sandy hole with a piss across creek running through it. This must obviously be a result of the dry winter and lack of rain right? any thoughts on this?
  7. tell me your a natiave.. then you dont need a license..
  8. omg, I broke my leg a few years back, walk with a bit of a limp sometimes, sometimes its sore.. limp.. do I need a boat license? omg, how is this possible.. your in a car, a idiot,demented..a handicap, do you need a drivers license? I feel everyone behing a motorized machine that moves with speed, on gas or electric needs a license..esp when they are on waters.in .on roads with other boats.cars.trucks around them.... just to know the rules. heck, anyone can drive a car or a boat, but do you know the rules of the water or road??
  9. Hey, I have in laws on the island, I go up there a few times a year. A boat is really essential. and there is a lot of private property around most lakes. sucker lake is good for walleye, musky and bass. Bass lake.. land the great lake manitou. full of whitefish, lake trout, walleye, jumbo perch, bass.. head into the town of manitowaning, go into the musky widows tavern, say hi to norma and mike from jordan! and ask where you can go fish.. give it a shot. ask questions and buy some food as well! good luck and have a blast for all of us who cant get away!
  10. darn where I wanna see anyone PM me with a link pretty please?????
  11. darn where I wanna see anyone PM me with a link pretty please?????
  12. I recently read that top hospital CEO's in toronto make 500k -750k + a year, can anyone imagine? does anyone make that on this board! Im proud to say. im under 30K a year, maybe thats why im single.,, i dunno...
  13. http://www.raventackle.com/Shotting%20Patterns.pdf ~and in this booklet I have at home, it says you can fish for multiple species with your float rod, last fall I went for pike around sudbury, little 2-7lb's I used a regluar float 12 feet deep, with a treble hook, and two minnow, fake ones, under shot my float, and landed a couple pike, no pics to prove it but, you can do it.. no problemo. Trust your rod and gear! if it breaks, thats part of the game.. p.s. i used my sst2 reel... 8lb mono, but for pike i used 6il mono leader instead of floro so i could get a bit of stretch on a hard hit...
  14. how so, aint it fishing, hunting the trout, its water aint it, i know some ditches 3.5 feet wide with brooks in it, should i use my 3 foot ice rod?no i use my 14foot float rod and stand back 5 feet crouching with the rod up, i think your silly i dont like your comment...
  15. Thats crazy. wow. I guess get the 100lb line and get that fish outta the water ASAP. or dont fish. SWISS YOUR ALL FUDGED IN THE HEAD! PAYING LAWYERS OUTTA TAX MONEY TO REPRESENT FISH! I BET THAT LAWYER EATS FISH AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. AHHHH.. my vent is done
  16. Hey everyone, How are you all? I've been checking out this site for quite some time now, and decided to join you all. I love fishing, and am new to centerpin fishing, I haven't landed a steelhead larger then 10 Oz in 2 years. so Im skunked! Cheers
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