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About shawnf

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  1. I pitched in! Hope you all like 'em....
  2. Thanks Lew, Dropped a message to the fella.
  3. Rag??
  4. Looking to acquire an article on spoon fishing. Preferably a full, single page, well written article on the various ways to fish with spoons. Any takers? Or know of anyone I should talk to?
  5. Would you be able to supply a snapshot of what the label looks like so we can get a better idea? And oldschool is 100% correct when he mentioned not all printers will bar code properly. Those ink jet printers that everyone has simply won't do the job. Sure, the output looks VERY close, but lots of shipping companies scanner guns can't read it for some reason. The bar coding must be done in a very fine detail. To accomplish this, either a Zebra printer is required (very common for bar coding) which happens to use 'heat' to make the print, or a good laser printer. Maybe start or move this thread to the computer section and post a pic of the label you're trying to reproduce, plus the standard run quantity. Each detail will be very important to get the most bang for your buck.
  6. Great report guy, and be sure to keep taking 'em. Can't stop at just one trip ya know!
  7. Added my vote, and I'll go ahead and bookmark the site to vote every day.
  8. Sounds like you had a pretty rough start. Good thing it picked up towards the end, and it's good to see you guys came away with a positive attitude. Good luck on your next one.... hopefully better than the last.
  9. The 20+ walleye we ate from there turned out fine, and yes.... everyone is still alive.
  10. People out there "own" lakes? Wow... Just imagine owning your own lake. I mean, some people here have ponds, but nothing compared to a whole lake.
  11. At least it wasn't a TOTAL bust. Just watch out for those Ebay deals, and try to get more sleep.
  12. ROFL
  13. St. Croix makes a great rod, and Hagen's exclusively gets their blanks from them. Here are a couple you might be interested in, but don't know if it's in the price range you're looking for..... http://www.hagensrods.com/casting_rods_4.htm I believe TJ has a Hagen's Rod, but can't remember which one. You'll have to ask him if he likes it.
  14. Good point. Forgot about that one till you mentioned it. We always look for the 'Walleye Chop'.
  15. Water depth? When our crew was on Lake Erie, some spots were about 30' deep. From the boat, we used 4oz bottom bouncers and a worm harness. However, the ones in that link have smaller blades than what we were using. We had size 3 to 5 Colorado blades, and about 6 beads... red/white combination. Slayed them all day, with very few less than 20".
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