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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. It has been almost a year since I signed up for the OFC board (lurked for a very short time before that). I had never really bothered with any of the fishing forums prior to that time.

    My initial reason for joining was to gain knowledge, as well as pass on some of my own.


    The reasons I have stuck with this board are many. Vast expanse of expertise from members throughout Ontario, as well as other provinces and the US. A really good group of core members, that will take time to voice their opinions and share their fishing experiences.

    I have met some great people and made some really good friends in just one year on this board. Have fished more new areas because of these people, and, other than hooking and playing a fish, fishing a new place is definitely one of the most thrilling things in angling...especially when you have success.


    Anyways, this is also a thanks to those people (you know who you are) as well as the many I hope to meet in person in the future :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Very pretty "buck"! Seen quite a few shots of bows colouring up already...can tell they are early this year. Still a few more weeks until I get out for them, although they are calling for a pretty windy weekend, might have to let the boat sit...light problem and all ;)

  3. Well I messed around a bit more tonight, and, still no luck getting the darn things working. Keep running out of daylight too...guess I should buy a decent worklamp while I'm at it :lol:

    The entire right side of the trailer is messed now...no lights at all. The left lights up, but, no signal. ARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!

    The re-wire is looking more attractive all the time!

  4. Scot Stevens , dont see too many head hits or blind sides , He hit you face on , if you were stupid enough to cross the blue and didnt look up well ,wellcome to the I see stars all around my head club, but Scot did not hit from behind , didnt need too great skater and hard hard body , wish Dion would watch some films and learn.


    Agreed, Scott was one of the hardest hitters the game has ever seen. As well as an extremely talented defenceman. Would have loved to see him suiting up with the Leafs!

  5. I've found most of the easy loader trailers out of North Bay.. they take a ground wire with a wire ring on the end and slip it over the light housing mounting bolt and then install the light. They don't even bother scrapping the paint off the frame to get a good ground. Remove.. scrap.. reinstall and Bob's your uncle.


    Nice!! That will be tomorrow night's experiment!!! I still want to convert to LED's eventually, but, it would be nice to get these working for the short time left this year.

  6. I just called them.


    And for a mere $2295.00 + shipping from Kelowna BC... you too can have one.


    I am really gonna have to think about this. U see the boat only cost 395! :blink:

    What would my wife think? :devil:




    It is a really slick set up though!!

  7. You know my vote Frank - yank the incadscents. The LED's put my asshat.gif fuse blowing issue to rest once and for all -

    Got to say though - good thing I'm a fair weather boater too - never thougth about the slush melt.

    Oh - and the set up will fit yours - mine was for 80 in wide limit too.



    Yupper, we talked about this yesterday. Which is why I searched Princess Auto, and, happened to see the kit on sale. I messed around for a few minutes tonight...stripped the ground wire down and re-connected it. Didn't make one bit of difference! Ticks me off that this trailer is that new and has problems with the wiring already!

  8. To elaborate on Vince's comment about pontoon dude---


    He actually had the first fish landed for the day. Picture a guy, by himself, trolling in a pontoon boat for musky. He hooks one, and, proceeds to play it for at least ten (probably closer to fifteen) minutes...all the while, circling the river with his engine running!!! Finally, Slowpoke had to speak up and say, "why don't you turn your engine off?" Pontoon man's response..."I know what I am doing!" He then shot that statement right out of the water by saying "I use light line, that's why I catch them!" DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all who uses light line for musky...second of all...HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE COLOUR OF THE WATER...was my thought! We were using baits bigger than a small walleye, and, you could only see them for about a foot under the surface!!!

    Hopefully his "fifty incher" survived to fight another day!

  9. I sent the other pics to Vince via e-mail, but, he didn't include them, so....for your viewing pleasure


    Brian AKA Slowpoke biting one of our lures of choice




    The battle begins




    In the net!!




    Vinnie's 39" early birthday present




    Me, chilling...




    Vince biting "dog balls" the actual name of the colour pattern/lure, LOL!!





    Thanks, again, to Slowpoke for a great day out on the water!! Can't wait to do it again!

  10. Good to hear you had a good time. That cutting board set-up he's come up with is really slick. Too bad he didn't get his hands on the bugger that boarded the boat!

    I totally agree with passing on the in-flight movie (sorry Hosey, lol)...more fun, to me, just being out there and taking it all in.

  11. Hey, Mike!! That bow pic might not have turned out how you wanted, but, personally I love it!! The hazey look is awesome, and, they never look better than when they have that colouration. :thumbsup_anim:

    Breaking out the steelhead gear soon, after I put away the boat (hopefully with working lights, lol) and shed a tear.

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