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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. This post relates to one from a couple of days ago. According to info that EHG had dug up, a gizzard shad would not hit a lure. This picture is from a couple years ago...a fish, that I was pretty darn sure was a gizzard shad, had hit Juli's Little Cleo spoon. The hooks were definitely in the mouth. So tell me guys, is it one or not? I say gizzard shad for sure, by the way, it was caught in the harbour at Kincardine...not too far from Bruce Nuclear.



  2. Gizzard Shad don't hit lures they are vegetarians or plankton feeders.

    Have accidently snagged a couple over the years at warm water outflows where there are tons.


    The one that Juli caught last year, actually hit a Little Cleo...the hooks were right in it's mouth. I have the photo at work, and, will post it tomorrow. I was totally surprised.

  3. Hey guys! I haven't posted much lately as I haven't been fishing, or had a whole lot of spare time to speak of... Long story short, Ginny's about 5 months preggo with baby número trois! Were going to be buying a newer vehicle that can handle the entire family and for some reason the MTO wesite keeps crashing for me. What's the deal with HST and any other expenses that I need to know of when buying a used vehicle in Ontario. I haven't had to buy a vehicle in close to 10 years!


    Thanks a bunch!


    Ryan & the Fam!


    Congrats on the future new addition, Ryan!! That makes at least two of us that need a bigger boat soon, LOL!!! The boys are going to start getting bigger soon, and, my 14 fter just isn't going to cut it when we all go out.

  4. Our pleasure, Roy! And thanks for being such an entertaining regular in our cast! :D


    Speaking of thanks, I'm really glad that so many people have responded to this thread. Some interesting reads, reasons, and comments. It truly is a great community of fishermen/women. Like a few of you have stated, we don't always get along, but, in the end we are all here for pretty much the same reason....WE LOVE FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim::clapping:

  5. O you will absolutely be a part of some redneck fishin happenins like "hold my beer for a minute" and "hey yall watch this" with a few " just stick your hand in his mouth and pull him out of the water you woosie" thrown in. If you are a fast learner we could possibly fit in a trip for some "noodling" and some "snipe huntin" too. Why here at Camp Redneck we will have you Bubbaing just like all of the Southern masses we all have stereotyped. So send a check or a money order and get you favorite 5 gallon bucket polished up and come on down.


    * prices subject to gullibility*






    LOL!!!!! Don't forget "pullin them puppies outta da slop!!"

  6. I happened upon OFC when I was looking for a man :blahblah1: I thought I hit the jackpot....NOT Still havent found a MAN here :whistling:;)


    I wish there were more NF topics....I mean who cares about the fishing topics...why cant there be a different section for those fishing ones....geeze louise (like one of my girlfriends says: call a whambulance)


    Some know how I got here but few know why I stay.....I guess its a comfort thing, when I see that he is still here and active (just in case some other dip thinks I am speaking of him) - I am comforted :)

    :rofl2: Now that was a unique response.

  7. Today, I am a lake fisherman, when I was heading for a Trout or Salmon run, I paid more attention to stream condition reports.


    My belief is that the best time to fish is when you can, and the best place is where you can. Therefore, I don't worry about what others have experienced.


    I have often heard negative reports from people coming off the water and had a fine day myself.


    You get what you expect most of the time...

    I expect to have a good day!


    That being said, if someone told me they were finding fish shallow or on deep weeds etc; I might look there first.




    Some very good points...fishing, like most things in life, comes down to approach. Go with a positive attitude and confidence and more often than not you will succeed.

  8. I owe a lot to this forum...and a while ago I arranged a song and put together a video that expressed that....Apologies to those who have seen this before...especially if it gets stuck in your head again!!! LOL. The people you see in this video are all members of the OFC community!


    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie"


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    name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed


    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always"

    allowfullscreen="true" width="480"



    That was awesome, first time I've watched it!! Nice work, Cliff!

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