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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Getting all rev'd up today in anticipation of what is sure to be a great day tomorrow. My partner and I are up around the 800 buck mark in pledges!! Can't wait to meet you all tomorrow, hope the rain holds off for us. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll see you all on the water bright and early in the a.m.!!!!




    Nice job on the pledges!!!!!!

  2. Hey, whitespinnerbait. Had to find this post, after what happened to Juli on Saturday. While out on Lake O, her Canon fell in the livewell. It was quickly retrieved, but, the damage was done..."toast".

    Fortunately the cost to replace was nowhere near $9000. The comparable model was on sale for $550 this week, so we replaced it yesterday. Hurt her "pocketbook" a bit, but, the new model does have a few features hers didn't...looking on the brightside :) Also, she can use the lenses from her old model, unfortunately the spare battery pack and memory cards are different sizes.










    I'll be there early to as will Dan so we'll find some place to put the boats while we launch... we talked about doing a group photo in the evening instead so we might be able to treat it like a regular tournament if we want... if the launch area get's to jammed up people can just hop in their boats and float around the launch chatting until go-time.... but we'll see how many actual boats show up and figure it out... it'll all be good!




    Yepp - fantastic - thank you to everybody involved!




    Kick 'em in the butt Frank! Tell them if they want to win a cool prize they'll want to get there early! :whistling:




    LOL!!! Speaking of which...are we setting up that prize for all the kids that we talked about? Say, biggest fish for anyone under 16???

  4. I am going early and will take my boat over to the front docks there's a big area between the docks that is all sand & clay that we can beach a bunch of boats because there isn't enough room at the launch for us all to hang around and I think it would be a good spot to get a pic of this great bunch of people.



    Great idea, Shawn! Not sure what time we are "rolling" in yet...see when I can "kick" the youngsters out of bed :lol: They're getting to that age where they want to always stay up late and sleep half the day!

    Shooting for early if possible.

  5. remind me not to tick Juli off - She practically ripped that fish's bottom jaw off! hahaha good work! :thumbsup_anim:


    Yeah, she's heard about that one a few times, already, lol!! Good thing that was one of the two that her and I kept. Turned out real nice on the smoker last night.

    Speaking of Juli, she had a hard time keeping them on the hook Saturday, but, she sure did get ALOT of rod time :)

  6. Awesome fish Frank thumbsup_anim.gifworthy.gifthumbsup_anim.gif . Sounded like the crew was really excited and well entertained. Were your knees a knockin?? I couldn't see them.


    Slayer out.


    Thanks, Simon! I get a kick out of watching that video, and, hearing everyone's excitement. The first glimpse of that fat pig, due to reflections of the water and it's large belly, made it look like a 20 lber!!!

    Knees weren't knocking, but, my left arm got a decent work-out! That minute and a half of video was preceded by about four or five minutes of heaving to get that "greaser" up from the bottom.

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