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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Wow...too hard to limit to just one. Three that pop into my head quickly.


    My first Skamania rainbow trout in 97...still my biggest ever bow at 17 lbs. Seeing that thing fly out of the water as high as it did was amazing.


    Watching Juli catch her first 20 + lb King on Lloyd's boat last summer. Ask him, Vinnimon or Spincast about that one! We were laughing watching that show, not too mention her comments during the battle!!


    My musky while wading moment at Restoule last summer. Seeing that big toothy creature coming straight for my bare legs, than turning to nail my buzzbait got my heart pumping like you wouldn't believe!!!



    Could list a dozen others, but, those three popped into my head quickly.

  2. Just wanted to give one last huge thank you to all the sponsors!!!! Don't think it was mentioned yet in any of these posts, but, Dave Mercer donated an amazing tackle package this year that included a Shimano Calais, that, I know one lady is very proud to own!! Ask her next time you are at Dixie Tackle :whistling::whistling:

    Hope we all did you proud, and, that eventually we can beat this disease!

  3. Looks like you guys did well! :thumbsup_anim: Too bad about the sun/heat stroke - one of our guys had it as well. Great report!!


    Finally got the pics from the last guy in our group, only 35 gigs of picture, video and audio files to go through. :wallbash: Report to come....


    Looking forward to that one, Will. Going to be a bittersweet read (you know why).


    Bassive---good stuff!! Can't go wrong up there!

  4. popcorn2.gif



    :rofl2::rofl2: Dan!!


    Since I'm feeling generous today....


    Ski88 - perhaps an intro for your first post, to let us know who you are would be a better start.

    This board has ALOT of great guys and gals on it, but, first posts such as yours will usually take a beating.

  5. Thanks Brian it was a great day for the kids especially with the bouncy castle and all the prizes from Dixie in St. Thomas and my parents! Hopefully the little ones drag mom and dad out again next year!


    Dan - don't start a water fight if you can't finish it! :whistling:


    Mike - it was nice seeing ya even though you didn't manage to stay!


    Frank - thanks for having such a great better half... lol


    Will... Yepp, I'll be on her early with the boy thing


    Funny guy, lol....what do you think guys, next year we toss him in the lake :devil:

  6. Dang that's a lot of pics thanks Juli for all the work on them Oh yeah you to Frank :whistling:


    Next year we hope to camp out that way we don't have to leave by 8:45pm


    Again it was a blast and it sure shows in all the pics


    Thanks, Mike...I think, LOL. I actually have another 25 photos from my camera, mostly of the panfish the boys and Juli were catching, that I need to put on there too.

  7. Just sat here and went through all the pics. This is what I want to bring my grandchildren to.


    Again,great job by all. :thumbsup_anim::clapping::canadian:


    Wow, now that is a great compliment, Brian!! I'll pass that on to Juli too.

    It truly turned into a family event this year. The amount of wives, girlfriends, children amazed me!! If you can make it, do so...we promise you a fun time!

  8. Hey Frank,

    The link works fine. Nice work!!


    BTW, who are the three amigos/gangsters??






    They would be Juli's boys..."stylin" in their new polarized glasses, lol!

    They made us both proud Saturday, chipping in with the prize table set-up, helping in other ways, playing with the other kids. Averie (the oldest of Ryan's two girls) was stuck to them like glue at times :D

  9. Here's the link to all the photos Juli took (an additional 230 or so) for any, and, all that participated.

    If you need a better higher resolution) quality pic, feel free to PM me. We'll get it for you ASAP.

    Ryan, we will put together that disc for you too. Either myself or Juli will call or e-mail you.




    Someone, please let me know if this link works okay.


    Quick edit, excuse all the personal photos of us fishing, lol, didn't want to separate them.




  10. I speak Vinnimon :whistling: , what the rant is about is not his vehicle, but rather another licenced tech who wrote a safety for his personal car/truck and was not at all concerned that the fact that the e-brake was inoperable, but was very concerned about the surface rust that was on the vehicle in question. This is a car/truck that he regularly drives his family in, and Vinnimon is quite upset that the fellow could be so carefree about an important issue such as an emergency brake system.

    Now is it clear people??? :lol::lol::rofl2:


    Beautiful Albert!!!


    Now can we let this one die :wallbash::wallbash:

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