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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. If you want to see a real nasty mess, go to Union Station. Look on the tracks at any platform and you will see a sea of McD's garbage all over the place...


    It truly makes one wonder what, if anything, goes through their minds as they do this. No care for their world whatsoever.

    I guess being brought up the way I was, in a family that camped, fished and enjoyed the outdoors, definitely makes a difference.

  2. I do love my spinning outfits, going to give it a shot. Let's see if this one lives up to the hype. Although I'm still not suffering from the guide wrapping on the Suffix 832.

    This Nanofil might just be the ticket for the young lads, if it lives up to the claim of non-twisting, tangling. Think we'll spool up a reel or two for the trip up north.

  3. A new study, jointly released today by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) and The Outdoor Foundation, says the number of anglers in the United States is still declining, even though more people are getting into fishing each year.


    The number of anglers in the US is now pegged at 45.3 million, down from 47.9 million in 2010.


    There are no figures for Canada, since it's an American study, but the 10 percent rule likely applies here as well. License sales in our country have also been declining steadily for years.


    Click here to read more, and download a full copy of this 75-page bad boy. It's very interesting reading. For instance, did you know that in the US over 30 percent of all anglers are now female?



    Happy to say, that we're working on turning three young lads into fishermen.

    It's up to us anglers to pass the torch, to our children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren etc.

  4. and you are surprised by it



    I take out the camera/ phone and snap photos then tell them I am posting on the internet their photos and car and plate......



    most pick up the garbage...

    some yell and scream at me and I say oh do more the camera is recording and will make for an interesting youtube video............



    and I am still alive to tell about it..LOL



    Not so much surprised, just reinforces my opinion of alot of people...I hate to say.

    Funny, but, I was going to use the same tactic, had I had the camera or phone with me.

  5. Just got back from lunch. Sitting in my truck at a Walmart parking lot in Kitchener, watched not one, but two, people just toss their garbage on the ground.

    The first "person" (I use the term loosely) bought a couple of car mats, tore the packaging off then proceeded to just toss it. As he was climbing into the vehicle, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a receipt AND threw that as well!!!

    Second "person" got out of his Jeep with his better (let's hope so, anyways) half, reached into his vehicle, pulled out a Tim Horton's cup, AND (YOU GUESSED IT) threw it on the ground under his vehicle. Now there are only about three garbages in front of the Walmart that he proceeded to walk into.

    So for all the garbage we see "anglers" (I use the term loosely) leave lying on riverbanks, lakes, etc, it doesn't just happen there.


    By the way, I wish I could have stayed to see the look on "Jeep Boys" face when he came back to find his Timmies cup under his windshield wiper!!!!!!!!


    Rant done, AMEN!!

  6. I think it is 15% if onsite. don't forget "plus shipping". Winning in Innisfil only to have the other items you wanted in North Bay would not be so great.


    If I had time to kill like all these retired guys I would be up there even if it was just to kill time.


    What retired guys??? Pretty sure everyone that has replied is still working? :) Unfortunately. My joke is the 65 in FRANKIE65 is the # of years I still have to work to retire comfortably!

  7. Those jigging raps are an awesome product....starting to use them more in summer when conditions are right...and they have always been KILLER through the ice.





    Thanks man!


    I might have to take one or two up to Windermere...can experiment on the eyes, or lakers.

  8. He has to stop this immediately Frank or I'll be buying a place at the other end of the lake!


    Tell me about it!! He's giving me walleye fever...my eyes are starting to gloss over, skin is turning a strange golden colour, and I'm having this urge to feed at night....

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