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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Seems like a reasonable punishment to me....I know I'd be hesistant to violate any of the regs after that if I were in their shoes.




    The thing about the whole incident that ticks me off the most, is the measly 6 month suspension...COME ON, take their fishing rights away for at LEAST 3 years.

  2. The coffee is the same at all the Tim Hortons, the reason that it tastes different is because of the water. Water quality has a huge impact on the flavour of the coffee, chloriene, hard, soft, iron, sulpher, mineral content.... they all affect the flavour.


    You might be surprised at what it takes to brew a good cup of coffee! The quality of the coffee is without a doubt the most important, you'd be amazed at all the different grades of coffee there are but that aside:


    Water is perhaps the most important but that can sometimes be compensated for by choosing the right coffee to match the water.


    Temperature is critical, water should be 195-205°C for a standard drip brewer, too cold, it doesn't extract the full flavours of the coffee, too hot, it strips unwanted oils. Grind and time are important.


    Leave it sit on a burner for more than 15 minutes, it starts to scald. Leave it sit in a thermous for 4 hours, the oils start to seperate.


    You'd be surprised at some of the food services places that I go into and the first thing they ask is "how much"? They don't care about quality, they just want the cheepest thing they can get. They don't usually stay in business too long. The places that are successful take pride in serving good quality everything at a fair price!


    Great info Cliff! This has turned into an interesting thread...at least for anyone who enjoys their cup of Joe :)

  3. thats insane !!! thats all...big friggin deal,should have been $500 per fish...and banned from fishing for life...vote for me to run the MNR I WILL FIX THAT RIGHT AWAY...GRRRRRRRRRRRRR


    Yeah, burns my butt!

    This one might go south in a hurry (apologies to mods) but, it makes me both sad and angry to see violations such as this get the slap on the wrist treatment. Who knows how big those walleyes were, possibly spawning females, as it happened pre-seaon opener?

  4. Three Peterborough anglers have been fined a total of $4,100 for illegal fishing.


    Phuc Nguyen and Thoa Bui were fined $1,200 each and had their fishing licences suspended for six months. Tan-Vo Huynh was fined $1,700 and had his fishing licence suspended for six months. All of the angling equipment seized was forfeited permanently to the Crown.


    The court heard that Tan-Vo Huynh, Phuc Nguyen and Thoai Bui were inspected by an Ontario Provincial Police officer and a Ministry of Natural Resources conservation officer working a marine patrol on Rice Lake and the Otonabee River on May 13, 2011. The officers found the men in possession of 21 walleye prior to the season opening.


    Justice of the Peace Jason Mariasine heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Peterborough, on July 14, 2011.


    To report a natural resources violation call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time, or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).



    Six months...should have been at least six years. :wallbash:

  5. Yep....Timmie's has a small....basically a cardboard shotglass.


    For the same price as their medium, I get a "small" at McDonald's which is the same size, along with a muffin. The McD's coffee doesn't taste quite as good, but the muffin sure makes up the difference :D


    Good point, I was pleasantly surprised a few months ago, at how much better Mickey-D's coffee is compared to the days when it tasted like "arena coffee"!

  6. Scugog at this time of year has some real high weed growth. Work the areas that Geoff suggested. Find the weed edges, troll or drift with either worm harnesses, inline spinner, bucktail jigs. You should get a mixed bag of fish, with a definite shot at an incidental musky.


    Good luck!!

  7. Gagnon's have no worry with sail. They sell clothing more than anything else. If you enjoy shopping for haberdashery you'll like the place. Try their website as an appetizer. :)


    It will be interesting to see if Sail improves on their current stores, but, for now it's a good thing I won't be able to make this event at Gagnon's, cause they definitely have a thing or two, or three, or :whistling: that I would be interested in.

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