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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Hi,


    Anyone know of any club/tournament trails in Southwestern Ontario similar to that of the one's in the GTA area?


    Looking to get into some tournament fishing and was curious to know if such clubs existed in Southwestern Ontario.


    Thanks in advance.


    There was one in the Grey-Bruce area last year. Not sure if it is running this year. Try googling Grey-Bruce Bass Club.

  2. Well I was out again today with miller in big lake O, and my engine ran greatthumbsup_anim.gif

    It was nice to finally have the boat out againbiggrin.gif

    We trolled for chromies, for the majority of the day without a hitmad.gif

    Perhaps next time.

    Did you happen to try out in deeper water, Vince??

    Three days of fishing in a row, good for you, bud! :clapping:

  3. I've said it to you a few times, Ryan, but I'll say it again...love the way you get out with the kids. Your an awesome dad, a busy man, who always finds time for his kids.

    Averie is a great little girl, and, it's always good to see the young ones getting into our sport. You have every right to be proud!

  4. Happy B Day Lloyd! Gee, Ihope someone who likes you buys you a new pair of pants... those camo's have been in every pic of you for the last three years! Heck, break down and buy a new tee shirt too! LMAO



    :rofl2: I call them "Lloyd pants" whenever I see them in the store! Nothing like getting abused on your birthday :lol:

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