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About phatpelkey

  • Birthday 08/02/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Grande Pointe, Ontario
  • Interests
    ice fishing, spring and fall crappie fishing

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Caster (4/10)



  1. no problem, now we need the bids to pour in!!
  2. I would like to know about this also!!
  3. 9 foot compre with a pflueger president reel
  4. I will be there mike, and will have a table full of super d's for sale!!
  5. ive been a life time jays fan, so im super pumped!! 1 thing I hate is now the people who really don't give a crap about the jays are going because of the hype!!, I loved going to a game not sardined together in the stadium, I guess its the price you pay for a great team
  6. well i made me my musky box last night, tell me what you think
  7. that down spout idea is great im going to price out some plastic down spout next time i run into town, thanks
  8. i tried the pail but in my car kept falling over and tangling together wasnt fun
  9. i have been looking at musky lure storage ideas, so far they all seem way overpriced, so my question is has any of you made your own homemade storage boxes for you bull dawgs, double dawgs, pounders or jakes before? if so could u possibly post up a pic to give me a few ideas? ps: im a shore fisherman, so would have to be some what light weight and fit into a trunk of a car thanks
  10. make sure if you go to the show to stop in at the anglers choice booth!!
  11. it was a part trade part cash deal, so no real dollar amount can be had
  12. i ended up buying the tranx this morning, man i cant wait for the season to start lol
  13. i currently dont have a musky reel and he is selling cause he wants the money for other fishing tackle
  14. im looking into buying a shimano tranx used from a friend, ratio 4.6.1 and the reel is mint, my only thing is what do you all think the reel is worth used?(but mint shape) i want to make sure i am making the rigth deal here!! thanks in advance
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