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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. what about the cottagers who blatently fly by you at 30-40km damn well knowing you're trying to fish. I was recently at Six Mile Lake and it was ridiculous. People in there boats bombing around with no respect for people trying to fish. They came so close so many times, and would even come into the small back bays and rip around on there jetskis. I don't mind sharing the water as long as they share it with me!
  2. yea its insane, bass pro charges 9.99 for a bag of pink yamamotos -- i couldnt believe it so I've been buyin the YUM Dingers
  3. gorgeous fish, always nice to get a new PB
  4. i find bubble gum pink or watermelon green with red flakes works well, i've also heard grey/black works well but i've never tried it
  5. nice pike and its always nice to have a solid fishing buddy!
  6. what a goof i'm also glad he got caught
  7. nice fish, that musta been exciting
  8. caledonia is nice, most of my family lives there - the fishing can be frustrating tho nice report!
  9. thats incredible! sounds like a sweet fishing trip. I can't get over the size of that thing! That pic really does make em look like minnows
  10. what a beauty, sounds like an awesome day!
  11. thats impressive!! I couldn't catch a whole lot on Six Mile Lake with all the boat traffic! How do you do it?!?!
  12. Anyone ever fish these lakes? Which do you prefer? I used to have a cottage on Lorimer a few years back and was thinking about taking a trip to refish the lake, but was also wondering what the fishing was like in Shawanaga and McKellar. I've seen some fairly big pike and smallies in Lorimer, anyone know how the other 2 compare?
  13. senkos and spinners!
  14. the bubblegum pink works wonders
  15. verry nice
  16. Perfect! Thanks for the info, getting excited for a weeks worth of fishin!! Hopefully the weather cooperates and the prop stays in one piece!
  17. Just heading up to Six Mile Lake for the first time and was wondering if anyone has positive or negative info to share! Jb
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