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About DJGeneral

  • Birthday 03/21/1990

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  1. Thanks guys for wishing me good luck, Well it was a cold day we got on the ice and set up our shack and started rigging up our rods no holes couldn't be drilled until 8am so me and my partner had breakfast and some coffee once the clock struck 8am it was go time we drilled about 15 holes and got right to business my first drop down the hole and i had my first crappie on i thought to myself today might just be a good day and it turned out be just that we ended up with 15 crappies by 1 o'clock and weigh in was at 2 o'clock we sorted our crappies out and put together the biggest 10 for the weigh in oh i forgot mention i also caught 2 very nice walleyes so we make it back to shore and weigh our ten fish 6.46lbs not bad we thought and said to ourselves we might just be in the race we pack our stuff in the car and head inside for the ceremony we sit there patiently waiting of our names will be announced Well from 5th place to 2nd place we didn't hear our names but we did get to hear our opponents weights which were all under ours it was then we knew that we actually won this thing! It felt great hearing our names announced as winners and even better knowing that me and my buddy will be taking 600$ a piece home! It was a fun exciting and amazing weekend winning my First ever ice fishing tournament
  2. Hey Guys, anyone attending the Stoco Crappie Ice fishing tournament this weekend? My buddy and I decided to register for the fun of it, has anyone ever done the tournament before?
  3. Laker, whitefish, pike and rainbow thru the ice hiking down to the whirpool and fishing the Niagara river Land a Musky
  4. Thanks Craig! didnt know what it is tbh i thought it was an atlantic or a bow either she lived to see another day! I remember last year around this time we were chucking spoons at the dam and we were hitting them pink and chrome work the best
  5. That first fish i had to walk downstream so i could land it as i didn't have my waders wasn't a planned trip to the river we just stopped in after night crappie fishing good thing i had my vibrax and my panther martins with me that day, i haven't upgraded to a center pin as of yet thinking about doing it this spring since i did so well on a spinning reel set up
  6. Well since no one wants to post up chromers here are a few from separate outings Not Dennys Dam but it close by i think i did well this season not only learning more about float fishing but incorporating beads when things slow down i think its time i get a centerpin any suggestions? I'm done for the year bring on the HARD WATER!
  7. My Condolences to the Family RIP Kevin i never met you but i learned a lot about ice fishing through your videos you even replied to my comments when I asked for help This one is a tough one to swallow...
  8. Thanks to everyone for all the help i had a blast fishing Muskoka from finding new places to meeting new people i managed to catch a few small mouth and a nice pike from the Big East river that was flowing thru my airbnb thanks again to all the people that gave me advice! Panther Martins worked really well for me this weekend
  9. Thanks dude!
  10. Thanks for the advice dude! never used senkos before so i guess it would be good time to practice I'd love to go to Algonquin but I'm limited to kilometers with the rental
  11. Thanks buick14 I guess I'll just have to make the best of it
  12. Thanks a lot i really had given up on this post thinking i wasn't going to get any responses ill be sure to try your suggestions ill be staying right on the river as it runs through the back of the owners property and Im just on the other side of hwy 11 directly across from arrowhead so im definitely going to give that a try as well thanks again!
  13. Hey guys i did as much research as i can about the area but i couldn't find any solid information I'm heading up to Huntsville this weekend with my girlfriend for the last weekend of the summer we'll be staying on the big east river about 5 minutes away from arrowhead provincial park i was wondering if anyone can help us out on finding some shore fishing locations Any help is appreciated thanks in advance
  14. Well Guys, I will be heading up there next week thursday for a week thanks for all the help tips, and tricks
  15. Thanks!!
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