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Everything posted by Pope29

  1. Yeah..anyway.....
  2. Ok...loosely licensed then....I'm sure SunOs/Solaris is open source, the other two I'm not that familiar with. There are several Unix flavors that are free. Unix has a huge family tree.
  3. Apple was good at getting technology to the forefront.....truth is they just bettered a lot old technology and marketed it very well. No one owes Apple anything....RIM introduced a lot more technology and hold way more patents than Apple and Samsung holds 10X more. Remember when IBM made all the computer hardware....where would we be now if not for competing hardware factions. BTW IOS and Android were both built upon Linux/Unix, both open source software.
  4. Hit the ice up here in the sault this afternoon. Still a little sketchy at 3" but managed to pull this guy out of seven feet of water.
  5. Lol....I'm well aware of what I'm wishing for....here's a few Splake I worked my tail off to get today North East of the Sault. 5 solid inches of ice and more to come. Specks in two weeks...anyone else ready?
  6. I went and tried dipping the St Marys today with no luck. I'll go put a couple traps in the creeks tomorrow I guess. Was thinking the Root and maybe somewhere around Fort Creek.
  7. Took a ride up 17 north today and there is still 2" of ice under the water on some smaller lakes. Three cold nights coming up...I'm going to very carefully try to get some Splake through the ice on a little inlander Sunday.
  8. Hey guys, just relocated back to the area and am looking forward to fishing some old areas and some new ones also. In Niagara I could usually find bait all year but I have a felling I better get my tank full soon up here. Anyway, was wondering if anyone could tip me off to the whereabouts of some shiners I can dip or trap (pm if you need to keep it quiet). Thank you, Pope
  9. Lol...yup you are from Northern Ontario alright. I always wondered how that would be spelled. Very nice offer btw.
  10. How much do you think a rich eccentric would pay for a meal of a fish this rare?? Does the ministry have a solution for the immoral entrepreneur? I for one don't think these fish need any additional fanfare.
  11. Main Entry: fa·ce·tious Pronunciation: \fə-ˈsē-shəs\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia Date: 1599 1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately Sorry, I know Aurora info is readily available but I'm of a mind that the info is better looked for by the curious rather than stumbled upon by the white bucketeers.
  12. I assure every disrespectful fishermen on this board that not only do Aurora trout not exist but the locations people have so dutifully doled out are also bogus. I do get a good chuckle every time the pic of the short shorts dude holding that Speckie is posted though
  13. I've never been able to figure Rock out. I've done well all over that system but that lake always is tough on me.
  14. cmon...I could drive my wifes Saturn Sedan up those rocks. That dude should be ashamed to have to take two cracks at that. Pathfinders are awesome reliable trucks....till the frame rots out of them
  15. I'm going to be there Mar 22 to 28th. All those awesome pics are making me very antsy to get up there. You guys catch some awesome fish. On Sat the 14th I'm driving to Sudbury to drop my kids with there Aunt and I'm going to fish somewhere between here and there on Sunday . Do you (or anyone else for that matter) know of a decent speck lake between toronto and sudbury. Preferably walk in because I don't want to drag the sled there and back. I don't mind driving out of my way a bit if need be.
  16. Curious why you thought Walmart wouldn't have them at this time of year??? There are many year round applications for those little tanks.
  17. Does the trophy lake start with an M ... end with an N and have a Q in the middle??? There are so many huge Specks in that park. Still think Mijin has trophy's in it although I've yet to catch one. I'll be in the Sault Mar 21 to 29th....I'm really hoping for safe ice, I'm going to visit a trophy lake every day I'm up there in hope of a new personal best.
  18. Lets go!!! I have a cottage on the St Marys I can use anytime. But damn...it's hard to fish for species we can catch here all year long when there are so many specks there that would love to meet me
  19. You may hit some pike in the dirty water near the mouth and through the town of Goulais itself. As you follow the river inland it turns into a speck only river real fast. There is a lot of access inland but near the mouth in runs through a lot of backyards. If you are going to be in that area there are are ton of good pike lakes and there is also two great lakes and the St. Marys river that all hold lunkers.
  20. Wouldn't it allow you to make two seperate forums then?? One for fish reports and one for the other ??
  21. What does it mean to be a guide?? And how do you become one???
  22. Thanks for the info guys....feel better bout driving all that way now...thought I might get stuck at mom in laws for two days
  23. I'll be going by around 8 am.what time does it open?
  24. Hey Smitter...thanks for the reply..I lived up there for the first 19 years of my life so I'm familiar with the lakes I have in mind. Heard any reports from Robertson or Sil at all???
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