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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. i know alot here like pools so i decided to TRY and set one up for the upcoming playoffs, i'm part of a few different pools at this site onlinepools.com


    if anyone is interested they can send me their info by PM before playoffs start and i'll input the info (it's noy a fance pool with drop down menues to pick pplayers, i must put them in maually) so if don't wait till the last minute it'll be alot easier on a dumbass like me




    where: onlinepools.com

    pool name: OFC playoffs

    login: 53924

    password: pickeral


    what needs to be sent to me by PM


    your team name

    names of 10 players and 1 goalie

    your email addy if u want weekly email updates (not necessary) you can always just login with info above to check, plus im sure someone will post results here


    scoring system

    1pt goal

    1pt assist

    1pt goalie win

    2or3pts goalie shutoot (i don't remember)


    i think that's it


    it's just for fun

  2. i have said this before and will say it again, at the end of the season conferences should no longer exist, top seed plays 16th and so on, then anything could happen (playoff matchups) we will never have a chance to see toronto vs. montreal in a stanley cup final and that's a SHAME.


    this last game of the season between these 2 teams is as good as it gets, there's more hype for this game than the stanley cup final ever will, i would pay a pretty pennie to attend, i can only imagine what scallped tickets are going for,


    anyways..... GO HABS GO


    if the habs don't win it won't be the end of the world, as neither team REALLY deserves to make it, i just hope its a great game and very close, back and forth all night, it will probably be the highest viewing CBC has had in a long long time, i know i'll be watching





    welcome back crystal ball

  3. WOW. i spent a long weekend working a looooong hockey tournament, got little sleep and am sore as !#$^%, figured i'd spend a small relaxing part of my one day off catching up on some OFC reading, now my brain is broken, I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!


    put the keyboard and mouse down and go enjoy the fresh air while we still got it

  4. totally agree and understand the arguement, except for.....



    ."The area around the plant is devoid of any life for miles."


    when was the last time the reporter was around the "plant" there's probably more thriving wildlife and plants and trees around the "plant" than whatever city this reporter is from, i've personally seen 2 moose and 4-5 bears within 2 miles of the stack in the past 2 years.... oh yeah not to mention the people who LIVE and work around there and have for over 100years


    hard to support a story with "facts" like that


    with the bull in those few paragraphs there's definately nooooooo reason for me to doubt the other "facts"



    like i said agree with the argument but that story doesn't help it



    come on down to sudbury and see how green it actually is, don't get me wrong the mines are no angels, but research a story before u run with it

  5. good stuff, i usually make 100 by myself and it takes a few hours, really wears me out, i heat mine for powder coating with a candle, i only make round jigs and also paint eyeballs on them with the head of a finishing nail,

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