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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. hand crank on my truck thank you, nothin worse then opening an electric window in -30 weather and not being able to close it again, (if ur able to open it at all)


    when i specified that to the salesman he looked at me funny and said "why would you want that?" i said cause i'm not that lazy, and he got insulted.....oops


    what burnt me was to get a sliding rear window i HAD to get semi tint windows, jerk0ff$


    maybe they should join the big 3 together and have 1 truck like u say with all the optins, and one without, and thats it, 4x4 shouldnt be an option but required :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Anyone have these cards?


    I've had the options card for about 2 years now, simply because the closest gas bar to my house is CT, they within a few fractions of a cent of the cheapest around and you get ct money back and on the card is always at the multiplier of the week without having to have one of their coupons, i pretty much only used this card for gas only, and paid the balance in full every month, in general i dont like to use credit cards, if i dont have the money i shouldn't be buying IMO


    for me this card worked great,


    then they started buggin me to get the gas advantage card, "it's a better card ! u save money on gas!" (they were tellin me) where you save money on gas the more you spend, i always said no thank you, because it sounded like the lesser of 2 evils to me (the more u spend the more u save) YA BUT UR SPENDING MORE!!!!!! anyways they revamped our store recently with the new mark work warehouse inside and they convinced me to switch over, got my card this week and as i needed gas this morning used the new card, clerk says to me u saved $1 today. I thought "sweet" i'm saving money. Later in the day i looked at my receipt and noticed i didn't get any CT money, which on my options card would have been over $1 for sure,(coupon this week is 10X) so really i'm losing, aren't I? ???


    is it just me? am i looking at it the wrong way? am I missing something? which card would u use?


    i know not a great post subject but it's been buggin me all day




    edit: btw, i'm a penny pincher, frugal, whatever u want to call it, so it might not seem like much to some but is alot to me,

  3. i bought a 10' jon boat a few years back and love it, wish i had bought it earlier, its super light, (under 100lbs) takes very little water to float(a few inches), carries a good load, ( we put a good size bull moose in it and my bro and i, we had to sit on the moose though there was no room), takes a good size motor we started with a 2hp honda, then a 8hp mariner, and now a 15hp evinrude on it, you just have to be careful on turns at that speed as the boat doesn't lean but turns "square", great for putting on top of a quad, easy to do 1 person,


    anyway like i said you wont regret it, of all the boats i have it's one of my favorites, but like every boat learn it's limitations and be extremely cautious, i wouldn/t be in rough waters in that boat, but have been in decent white caps and it handles nicely

  4. not ashamed to say i would keep a WR fish in a heartbeat, not so much for the $ but simply for the ability to say holy look what i caught,


    selfish? maybe, to each his own


    i respect those who are strictly c&r, i'm not, and deserve to be respected just the same


    a "trophy" on the other hand is something different,a trophy can be different for different ppl, and doesn't just have to be size,, i've released quite a few nice fish that some ppl might consider trophies, and been yelled at and called a fool for doing so, they simply weren't "trophies" for me at that time, that said i have no problem telling folks i keep alot of fish and rarely do i go out that i not keep any for a snack or meal,


    i've yet to have a fish mounted as i have ideal parameters of which i would like to meet for that, and yes, i've seen beautiful replicas but i would rather the real thing if i ever get one done,


    i used to be a cabinetmaker by trade but is now only a hobby, ive always wanted to put 2-3 decent walleye in a oak/glass coffee table, not monsters but 3-4-5lbs. would be nice,


    also to put a few small perch into an oak/glass lamp,

  5. Right in the good old 5 Roses cookbook under butterscotch cookies. Use either the vanilla for flavouring or replace with Cardamom.



    thx a bunch, sometimes the best recipes are right on the box/bag, i love the peanut butter cookie recipe on the jar of kraft PB

  6. First they bring in Burke and now Nonis. Next they need the Sedins and Luongo, and you might have a team.


    "sedin is not english for... puch me or headlock me in a scrum" classic


    they play the caps, tonight, can they shut down ovechkin?



    G HABS GO no brodeur in net, they have an actual shot at beating them

  7. it's not just for being an idiot, he's a compounding problem, hits from behind and on ice goonery can usually be classified as a spur of the moment incident, this was obviously premeditated, not like he's a first time offender, he's also ordered to anger management and perhaps counselling,

    IT"S FOR A REASON, Manitoba Moose also said they didn't want him if he'd be sent to the minors,


    repeat repeat offender, throw the book at him

  8. Judging by his character, it was only sloppy seconds for the first 2 inches (maybe less) and prolly why she ran off with someone else!


    Anybody that idolizes this schmuck prolly has the same problem.



    THAT was funny, better watch yourself though you might be the next one attacked by his great wit, lol


    the reaction from his own team says it all, shame

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