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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. Title insurance won't cut it.. because it states "if we had of done a title search and if doing so it would have indicated XXXX" we will cover you. Title search will not bring up where buildings are located.. only a survey will do so and why it's always imparitive to make a survey a condition of sale. Title search will only tell you if the current home registered to the property was built with a permit.. had a final inspection for move in etc.


    I'm sorry Cliff and I feel for the "kids", but it's gonna get ugly!



    The insurance covers the title search when its not accurate... Hence "insurance".


    Lawyer does a search, it says its OK, lawyer does the transfer. He buys insurance in case there are any issues that arise after the fact.


    You find out about an issue, your insurance covers it. That's how it works.



    Question Irish. Have you had this happen to you before? I am actually speaking from experience and I have actually contacted my lawyer, my city, home insurance, and my title insurance.



    Edit to be nice



    Where are you getting your information?




    Tell the kids not to fret! You'll be fine.

  2. Ahhhhhh (quenched or refreshed noise) the internet. Home to a million different answers to one question.


    Everyone look up title insurance. Your lawyer who helped you transfer the property into your name ALWAYS purchases it to cover their ass for cases like this. (this goes for any home owner)


    Do you think the lawyer actually gets your properly line, and verifies it matches what the city has on file/what your purchasing? Nope... He's too busy for that.


    If for some reason your city doesn't have your property information on file how are they charging you taxes?




    Property lines are always kept by the city (or else they couldn't charge you tax on your lot).


    And the fact that your neighbors stuff is built on your property falls under encroachment (private or public structures). This is covered by title insurance.


    Most of the answers here are :spam:

  3. Yes, they did purchase title insurance but I wasn't sure (and neither were they) what the next step should be, that is why I wanted to see what advice was available here and try to get the name of a good lawyer.


    Randy, do you happen to have contact information for Evi McDonald?


    so far I have told them not to say anything to anyone until they talk to a lawyer but I would like to get as much information for them as I can.


    Everything is handled by the Title Insurance (if its covered). You call the place who holds the insurance, give them your information, they will ask for more details, bobs your uncle.


    If they don't have coverage under insurance, hit up the yellow pages. My situation was not covered by my title insurance so I had to get a lawyer, but your case is 100% covered (if they got the right insurance). I have the "gold package" which is standard as per my lawyer.

  4. I hope your kids purchased title insurance when they purchased the farm...


    If not they are going to be paying for the lawyer.


    But I guess that's why you are looking for a lawyer?


    Talk to the guy who did the property transfer, he should know if he purchase the insurance. Most of them do as its only $150 and it covers their asses so they don't have to do title searches and lien searches on the property in question. This also includes encroachments.




    Good luck, my 3 year lawsuit is going to court this year... Civil suits are a big piss off.

  5. Are you a righty or lefty? I am right handed, and I reel with my right hand, but most righties I know reel with their left hand.


    Everyone on here tells me I have my handle on the wrong side too! Don't let them bother you, just fish how its comfortable.

  6. Just to clarify, there were no other boats in the area and myself & the canoeist were the only 2 boats in sight. When the paddler saw me approaching, she was still on the edge of the channel and stopped to let ME pass, but seeing as there was nobody behind me and I didn't want to take ANY chance of causing her and her son grief I motioned for her to go ahead and cross safely.


    When the yahoo in the tinny approached from behind he had a clear and unobstructed view all around and could have gone a dozen different ways to keep everybody safe, but instead decided to take the most direct route available and that was almost over the stern of the canoe.


    Absolutely no need to do it other than the fact that he had NO concern whatsoever for the safety or well being of the people in the canoe.


    I agree 100% that small vessels, or anyone for that matter, shouldn't be blocking or impeding the flow of traffic in a channel, but that definetely wasn't the case here.



    How is it any different if you pass her when shes on one side of the channel versus the other? :whistling:



    I bet you are one of those people who stops on main roads with full traffic behind you and waves people out of the McDonalds parking lot.... :sarcasm:

  7. As I've always understood it though, with the fact that there's no central registry system to keep track of things, if the company that gave me the test no longer exists and I happen to lose my license, there's no proof anywhere that I ever had it and I'd be forced to take the test over again and pay whatever the current fee is.


    I personally think this entire thing is nothing but a sham and a waste of $$$$ and does very little to ensure boat operators know anymore about boating saftey than they did before writing the test.


    Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

  8. Don't know about the online personally but someone was telling me that only one applicant can be done per computer, they track the ISP. Can't see that being true myself.


    I'm not whistling because I cheated, the test is common sense... or at least I thought it was. Its just a big joke as the article states.


    As for multiple tests being done on one computer... definitely you can. I mean what if one person was the witness for several peoples tests and they all did it at his house/computer...


    But honestly some of the online tests are such a joke, one of the more popular websites gave me and my wifes licenses for free because of their own carelessness. :clapping:


    I love when people who have no idea about the internet open an internet business! :worthy:



    As for my in laws, they got the test done at the boat show... and the guy administering the test gave out answers.... not only that... but if you fail you can keep trying with no waiting period... what kind of licensing system is that? make it match a drivers license at least, you can't just keep trying for those!

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