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About Iamcanadian

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  1. Not a bad lake to fish.You can fish every species of fish in Haliburton within a 15 min drive. pm if you need some details
  2. Ice conditions will be fine. Not sure what lake your fishing but a lot of small back lakes Just south of the park and north of Haliburton have been shut down in the last year or so.They been bought up and no fishing has been allowed.Even if they were stocked by the mnr you will be tresspassing.There is no crown land between the village of Haliburton and north to the park
  3. pm'd
  4. Made it out today in the Haliburton Lake area,3-5" of ice carried the atvs no problem.Only a couple bites and one 10" splake. Not much snow 6-8"
  5. Anyone have any comments on the Baffin trapper/titan boots?
  6. Head Lake in Haliburton is frozen over, will be checking smaller back lakes over the weekend
  7. Went out last night for a couple hours, and about a half an hour before sunset the rainbows turned right on. caught 3 and lost 4 , about 1.5lbs each. not big but they fought hard!
  8. The lake has been stocked with speckles but they are not easy to catch,I have been talking with some people on the lake and they are even having a hard time catching the lake trout.
  9. Good morning I have a cottage on Haliburton Lake 2 bedroom,level lot,sand beach, great for kids.Lake trout,white fish,large and smallmouth. pm if interested
  10. oldphart If your going to Haliburton Lake this weekened you might still need water wings, it had about a 10 acre open spot in the centre last night. I guess you could always cast! If you need more info at the end of the week let me know I drive around it everyday
  11. I went back to the lake I went to on Jan 1st, lost some ice near shore but still managed to drive across it with 5 atvs, ice was between 2-4" parked the atvs on shore this time just to be safe! The splake were not as active today, lost a few and caught a few. Still had a great day!
  12. We made it out yesterday 10 guys and 9 atvs all on the lake at once 4-5" of ice and 15 splake. It was a great day . It doesnt look good for the rest of the week!
  13. We went out yesterday and checked some ice on some smaller lakes. We rode our atvs down one lake- 5" of good ice on that lake 2 other lakes had about 3-4" and a bigger lake had 1-2" . We are heading out in the morning for splake,rainbow and specks!
  14. I drove by Head lake in Haliburton yesterday and saw snowmobile tracks across the lake.It has only been frozen over for a day. What kind of lure do you use to catch a snowmobile in 15 feet of water??
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