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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Way to go Joey Don't for get us okay
  2. WTG Joey.. You deserve it is being good to you
  3. Glad to see things are going good for you both soon
  4. say it ain't so... PLS.. Have a Santa Clause Parade on Saturday in Stoney Creek to Participate in for a school.. Don't need this as the Kids have worked to hard to have it all get wet
  5. Fantastic news in deed... Good luck as well
  6. Congrats on the new career.. Don't forget who your Friends are when you stop us heading for the fishing spots at high speed
  7. Hi Rattletrap2.. Either myself or my boss will be doing the TDG or WHIMS Training.. I am the only one so far to be doing Lift Truck Certification at this time Hey Pete.. Great to be back.. now got to see if I can get away to do some fishing.. Oh wait.. have a Santa Clause Parade to do Next Saturday in Stoney Creek.. No not as Santa either so don't even go there buddy ..Operating a Float for a School in Hamilton..Oh well Kids First then me again
  8. after being away from here for a while, I've been back at school taking a Lift Truck Instructors Course.. Now I have been Certified by the Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario as well as the Industrial Accident Prevention Association to Teach lift Truck Training .. now this had better not interfere with my much needed fishing.. Time to take a break with all the Courses I have been taking as well as Cargo Securement.. Transportation of Dangerous Goods & WHIMS..
  9. Just name the date I will be there
  10. Just a Test... Did I pass
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