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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. Jackie


    HAHA that commercial is hilarious!! LOL
  2. yea i think that's what happen to my cord...i see a lot of fabric pieces around the motor...I was thinking of replacing the rope before...but was too lazy to do so. Well i guess i learned my lesson this time. So next time when i start seeing these little pieces of fabric...i know it's time to replace it. LOL I am too chicken to loose any parts of the motor like how you did LOL! SO I decided not to do any risky surgery to the motor on the water. But it's good to know that your motor is still working without the part you dropped in the water. If that happens to me...I won't be so calm LOL But yea, thanks again for the advise!!!I hope I can get it fix soon so I don't miss this coming week's warm and sunny days! Perfect weather to be out there fishing! can't afford to miss it!!! lol
  3. THANKS for the info Cudz!!! I am gonna give it a try...if it doesn't work then I might have to call my bud Smalliefisher (such a nice guy)!! I was thinking of doing the samething as you said on the water...but I have never done it before, so I was afraid of loosing parts like dropping screws or nuts into the water and causing more damage to the motor,...so i didn't want to risk it...But I am going to learn how to fix it right now. And if that happen again, i can fix it on the water.
  4. a little bit over 13"
  5. haha "crappy tire" LOL...alright THANK YOU SO MUCH BUDDY!!! I will give you a call on Monday eve.
  6. Thanks for the advise do you have any information on how to fix it? and what the procedures may be?
  7. and 1- 4" sunfish haha...nice catch
  8. Alright...so we started with a nice sunny day of fishing on lake Dalrymple after all those crazy freezing WET AND COLD weather. Targeting species: anything that bites...well of course not bass or other Off season fish. Launch the boat at 8am, everything works smoothly. Get to our first fishing spot, throw a couple cast with a little deep crank, and BOOM...thought its gonna be a HUGE walley...get the net ready, gloves ready...damn ended up with an ugly pike...stinky, sticky as usual. What's even worse was that it left me with some gooey yellow stink crap hanging on my trolling motor...well thanks for being my first catch of the day ...so released the fish. Couple minutes later...sigh again, another pike...try to loose the line give it some slacks hoping it will free itself...unfortunately, it didn't ended doing so. Rather, it ended up wrapping around the line and hook himself onto the another hook... great.... Brought it up, unhook release...literally took me 10 minutes just to do all that...Alright move on hoping to catch some crappies with little jig (no floater). Couple cast, jig it jig it hook into a nice 13" slab. Reel it in and put it back. Thought there will be a group of them there so we stay. But again...ended up hooking into another pike...Jesus...what else is there??? Alright move to another spot, crank it up again with a deep diving crankbait hoping to get some walley...couple minutes after...OMG...not again...another PIKE!!! WTH!!!!So for the rest of the day...pike...pike...pike...pike...and PIKE!!!...well I guess I should be happy because I am catching fish... SO after all that we decided to head home, give the motor a pull...oh GOD...NO WAY...the cord SNAPPED!!!! WHAT THE HELL !...didn't know I was that strong .......popped the hood try to fix it...no luck. So ended up using the trolling motor to get home. Luckily the wind was blowing EAST...or else will be stuck on the other side of the lake for couple more hours...So it took us 1 hour and half to get home when it supposed to be a 10min ride with the 20hp Mercury...Well I am happy that I made it home!!!THANK GOD!!! And now I am stuck with the broken cord...NEED SOME HELP GUYS!!Is possible to replace the cord myself and How?? How much would it cost to fix it in the shop? Any information and suggestion will be APPRECIATED!!! Thank you, Jackie
  9. Try Ebay first. If not, PM me. I have 2 new Saros aluminum spools that I am willing to let go for $20 each or $35 for both. One is 2500 and one is 3000. They fit on my Sahara 3000FD for sure. If you don't mind the different label, this might work for you. I was told that the 2500 and 3000 spools are interchangeable, only that the 3000 is deeper.
  10. WOAH!!!! Those fish look scary!!!!But thank you for sharing the videos. They are amazing!
  11. haha i was lucky my brother notice the difference when we were picking the lines, or else I would have 5 packs of 17lb BOX with 8lb line inside...lol. Maybe this is the reason why they are cheap??? lol... I spooled one of the 14lb lines on my baitcaster, and it seems to be pretty smooth when i cast it with Rapala x-rap. So far there isn't any problem with the line. Hope it stays that way....
  12. Keeping 450 fish is just retarded......they were probably going to sell it to the supermarket or something...freaking ignorants. Glad that they were caught, GOOD JOB GUYS! KEEP IT UP. this is the only way we can stop those idiots from destroying our fisheries.
  13. LOL...that's more like a sucker to me....but nice catch still!
  15. COME ON GUYS!!! SIGN UP FOR THE 2010 OFC Tournament!!! We need 3 more anglers to join in order to assign new teams!!! LETS GO NOW!!!
  16. If I remember correctly, I think I saw a Fish Hunter 9'2" model on sale at Richmond Hill's Canadian Tire for only $100. I have exactly the same model. Except that I over inflated it and it leaked (but fixed now), it's a great alternative to shore fishing or getting a canoe due to space concern. The 9'2" will only fit one person with gear comfortably.
  17. Actually I just bought a 13' Shimano Clarus (CSS-130ML2A) rated for 4-8lb, Tennessee handle. Will use it for shore fishing on Niagara. Probably not as "noodle" as the 10'6" or 12'6" Convergence. But I got it for only $59.99 at the Gagnon Sports yard sale.
  18. I agree with most people here that the rod would feel too heavy after several hours of use. Check out some of the lighter models, especially if you plan to do a lot of drift/float fishing. Or go with even shorter rod (like 8'6") if you're only fishing small tributaries. I once had a 12'6" L action Convergence, and honestly I would quit fishing after a couple of hours on the river simply because it's too heavy to hold all day. Or maybe I was just impatient...
  19. What did you use to inflate it? If you use a hand pump, foot pump or even an air compressor, it's very easy to over-inflate it. Once you've over-inflated it once, the seams will be weakened and leaks will be all over the place. I had first hand experience. The best way is to use a electric fan pump. These pumps are usually very weak and won't be able to inflate it beyond a certain safe air pressure. You don't need it to be 100% firm anyway.
  20. Instead of paying $120 on an HMX, pay $99 on a Fenwick Techna AV (on sale at Le Baron), which has life time warranty. There were still a few left last time I was at the Markham store. The Techna AV is better than St Croix Premier, probably closer to the Avid.
  21. Your Lowrance has a GPS and its antenna draws a lot of power. I had that same problem many times before. My Lowrance is wired to my starting battery, while my trolling motor to the deep cycle. After fishing a couple of hours or so with my trolling motor, with my GPS/fishfinder on, I would have drained both my batteries, and I'm dead on the water. My solution is to wire everything thru a battery switch. I would use my deep cycle for everything: cranking, trolling motor and electronics. The startup battery will be untouched. This way everytime when I start my motor, it will recharge the deep cycle. In the worst case if I really drain it, I still have the startup as my backup to get back to shore. And I can still fish as long as I don't use the trolling motor or electronics when the main motor is off. I was quite surprised by the current draw of the Lowrance unit I have. Another way to get around this is to have a separate switchable circuit for the GPS antenna (mine has external antenna), so that when you're not moving, you can turn it off. But then re-obtaining the GPS coordinates will take a long time for cold starts.
  22. I think the size of the bait you are using also matters too... I just started fishing crankbaits, and i have read articles and heard from some experts about the things you need for cranking. Here is the rod I would suggest to use: Shimano Compre TC4 6'6"/6'10", Action:XF, Power:MH, Line Wt: 10-20lb, Lure wt: 3/8-1oz. I think they are selling this rod at Le Baron for $119... For reels, Team Daiwa (TDSOL) would be good. 7.4oz, 8.8lbs drag, 5.8:1 Gear ratio. Curado 200E5 would also serve your purpose efficiently. 7.6oz, 11lb drag, 5.0:1 Gear ratio, and you don't have to pay as much. For lines...not quite sure. But I would just use mono...because it's cheap Hope it helps Cheers, Jackie
  23. That's right....increase the FINES, increase the penalties!!! So they can put more people on the field to catch those RATS...and have general deterrence on every ignorant... Police should also be required to respond to reports...I mean, people are actually breaking laws. It is something serious, because they are harming the environment, causing conflicts between anglers. There were already many cases where anglers been assaulted, push into the lake, or even killed! So this matter should definitely be taken seriously!! Fish limits should also be LOWER!!!! I mean....30 crappies...6 bass...6 pike...50 perch!!!50 sunfish!!!....WTH????..are you kidding me???? Is it really necessary to keep that many fish per day??? I know they are trying to control the fish population....but I think the MNRs miscounted the population of people in Toronto.....2,503,281!!!...I am not sure how many people fish in Toronto...but if every individual really catch their limits of fish every time....(which is not really hard to do for sunfish, perch, crappie, or even bass)then i don't think there will be any fish left in the lake...Actually, it is happening already as many of you guys notice... Sunfish, crappies, or perch nowadays aren't as easy to catch compare to couple years ago. The size is also smaller compare to what it used to be. I have been on many forums and seen many people showing off their BUCKETS OF FISH. They even try to show off their COOKING SKILLS...5-6 plates of fish on the table..steam, deep fried, bake, boil, soup, etc...sure it looks really tasty. But are you really that poor that you have to fish to eat fish??? It's just ridiculous how people are taking advantage of the fish limits and ignoring the harm caused to the environment... this really makes me sad
  24. I was thinking if I hook up 2 banks to 1 battery, wouldn't it just deliver 10A (in the case of my charger, assuming current is additive) which is the typical current of some one bank chargers anyway? And when the voltage/current reaches a certain level, both banks should detect the same thing and therefore switch to the next charging stage. So I'm not sure why it can't be done. But then I can be missing something here. For the cranking battery, it is connected to and regularly "charged" by my boat alternator which delivers some 15A when the motor is running. That can really overcharge it if I drive for a prolonged period. And I assume this is the case for all of our boats/cars. If the cranking battery can take that kind of abuse, perhaps using a charger "designed" for deep cycle on it should be ok. Again I'm just guessing here.
  25. I am trying to decide whether I should buy a 2-bank or 1-bank battery charger for my deep cycle. This may be a stupid question. Can I connect both banks of the charger to the battery? So if my charger is 5A/5A, I can effectively charge my single battery at 10A? I'm planning to buy the Minn Kota MK-210 2-bank 5/5 charger. Anyone is using it and any comments? Right now it has $20 rebate so it looks like a pretty good deal. Also, can I use the charger to charge/maintain my startup battery as well? Would it do any harm? Minn Kota's website says the charger is only for batteries with a certain amp-hour (i.e. deep cycle), but I wonder if there is any actual harm in using it on startup batteries.
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