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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I think you’ve answered your own question man. Changing your diet, even in the slightest way, can really change other aspects of your body. Smoking can do the same thing. Everyone is different.


    I changed my diet around for a 3 months period (cleanse). I had the worst for a year after that. Not kidding either, and full year if not more...


    If I where you, I’d start to eat healthy and kick the smoking now, before it really screws you up. Slow down on the beer too.


    I went to the doc several times with my stomach issues. (Well, a walk in clinic, if you consider those guys doctors). They basically laughed me out of the office once I told them how hard I am on my body.


    I was around your age when all this happened. I went from 215lbs to 170lbs in three months.

  2. Move up to a 500 fan venture and put a 1 1/4" track on it. Very reasonably priced sled and just as reliable but you will never run out of power.

    I ran mine with the trail guys for years, throttle squeezed to the bar for hours on end and not a wimper out of it



    But then I'd have to spend some money. The Bravo was free :thumbsup_anim:


    If I where to upgrade, it would be to a two up Yamaha of some sort... Venture sounds about right.. An older one though...

  3. skipped a lot of school on Fridays to head up to the uncle's for another weekend on 6 Mile.
    Does your uncle still have the cottage up there?? Is your uncles name Harry?? (long shot)


    I spent the first 4 years of my life living in Pickle Lake (Northern Ontario) Fishing was necesary there. So I guess that's when I started fishing.


    Once we move south, I began spending a few weeks of every summer at 6 Mile at my grandpas cottage. I also fished the Maitland River a few times a week growing up in Wingham.


    Some great memories..

  4. I ran a 4Hp evinrude off the side of my canoe for a season. That was a lot of weight hanging of the side. It was a really sturdy canoe.


    After that motor blew up, I started running a 36Lb Mini. No issues with weight, or anything like that. It moves the canoe along really good. I put the batt. way up in the front of the canoe if I'm alone. Works good as a counter ballance.

  5. Probably the most dependable listed so far... :)



    My 250 Bravo is so light, my wife could lift it out of a snow bank.


    They're great little sleds.


    I worry a bit when I'm draggin the hut, and I hit one of those mile long slush beds. Not quite enough power.

  6. I'm planning on building one of these this year.


    I'm going to build a separate "stand alone" bench seat that will act as a storage box for my gear. The box will be mounted to the collapsed hut while transporting. Then moved inside, and used as a bench seat while fishing.


    I need to think of a quick/easy way I can mount the box to the collapsed hut. I don’t want it to fall off while screaming across the ice at very high speed behind my 250 Bravo.. B)

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