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Tie Twist

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About Tie Twist

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  1. Yes, the elusive and rare Norhtern Pike...will it ever recover?
  2. Also, don't let your cats wander off your property where you have no control over what they drink! This also ensures they don't piss on my door mat and poop in my kids sandbox, and my flower beds.
  3. "stop hiring people for minimum wage" Maybe install hardwood floors while you are at it Walmart! Price, Service, Quality. Typically, you can't have all three. Working so hard to save the $40 price match from Futureshop sort of implies that you would rather not have a $15 per hour employee who had a brain at Walmart if you had to pay for it (and you would). So you are after the price. When after the price, and shopping at Walmart, one should not expect university grads making $40K per year to be selling items off the shelf. I bet Henry's or one of those places would have all the help you need. They had all kinds of time for me there when I was spending $50. It was great. I expect Walmart to be a disaster any time I have to set foot in there. But at least they are cheap. Seriously. you meet someone at a party and ask what they do. They answer that they work at the local Walmart (as a manager or otherwise). What do you think. "Hell they must have really excelled to pass the interview process to land that job). Or do you think "I'm glad I don't have to answer I work at Walmart, whenever I get asked by a stranger". Anyone going to Walmart looking for ANYTHING but the lowest price possible is misguided and bound to be disappointed. It's a time for lowered expectations, and it should not be a shock. I'm not against them per se (was just in there buying stuf yesterday), but it's funny to tak ethe time complaining about cutomer service at Walmart. An not setting foot in there because they wouldn't accept the online thing. We all know you need them more than they need you! You'll be back!
  4. Once while I was seening some firewood I seen the biggest Musky that anyone claims to have ever saw. It was like a saw from a movie, I wanted to throw my seen at it, but it was a chainseen, and the water would have wrecked it. Quite a saw I seen.
  5. Where abouts is that bridge?
  6. Graduated in 94, same program! Had a blast. Good luck
  7. Definately a Balt Oriole. For any other Bird Nerds out there, here is a great site for IDing birds. Use the bottom of the page (attributes) to narrow down the attributes that you know, one at a time. Works well. http://identify.whatbird.com/mwg/_/0/attrs.aspx Great resource for IDing bird voices too.
  8. Yeah, me too. I wouldn't mind a less expensive alternative, but it has to be very portable. Exactly what I am looking for though.
  9. I am thinking of getting one of these Polar vision hand held units for my small inland lake portaging canoe trips, primarily for finding depth (and marking fish as a bonus I guess): http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true Has anyone used one before? The key for me is that it is small and portable. If there are some alternatives I don't know of, I would love to hear them. Also, I have not found any in Ontario...anyone use them / found one in Ontario?
  10. I am another spincast left / bait caster right guy. I remember buying my first bait caster and thinking it was odd that it felt better to reel with my right, and I spent 15 mnutes trying to decide which hand to pick. I assume it has something to do with the handle being above vs. below the rod maybe? I'm not sure why it feels natural on the other hand for a bait caster. As far as switching hands after the cast, it takes a split second. It has zero effect in delaying any instant hook-sets or anything like that. Once you get used to it, it's very natural feeling. To me, peeing with my left hand feels more awkward than holding a fishing rod with it. That could be a diameter issue, but that's another topic for another time.
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