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Everything posted by 16sailor

  1. Sorry yes just fixed the post
  2. Got some inside news from a reliable source Apparently the deal fell through and the buyer got stuck with the close to $2000 in lawyer bills thanks to them. I guess there is a long list of people that have been screwed by xzone. So it's not happening sorry to break it to ya.
  3. I had interstate I use them for my Minnkota em101 & terrova 101
  4. Yes I can get them there but I've never herd of anyone using quicksilver that's why I'm now looking lakeview use to carry interstate they now have the quicksilver and I cant find reviews
  5. So I need to replace my batteries x3 has anyone ever used the Merc brand "quicksilver" Costco Everready maxx
  6. Thanks
  7. Anyone know when the fish lift is
  8. I wonder if we need to get a fish biologist down to the porthope city council and explane the life cycle and that if they continue to remove the dead fish they are actually killing the future fish.
  9. Have they forgotten that salmon die after the spawn and there dead carcasses feed the rivers
  10. Anyone heard this yet by law passed no roe in the ganny http://www.star933.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5559:no-more-fish-eggs&catid=1:local-news&Itemid=56#.UUnS5_q9LCS
  11. stoty and I the bay sunday managed only one big girl to hit but she was a beauty and my pb 12.52lbs 31.5long and 18.5girth
  12. A 110 buzzz box as I call them are ok the mig is ok for tacking and welding no more that 1/8" but stick can go thicker 3/16" But like old man says if your use to a 220 that 110 is going to suck I have a 250 miller tig/ stick all digital controlled I love it I cans weld all types of material. tig is by far the best way to go if your going to be welding little things and different materials too
  13. I'm at McRae and the launch ramp is not conducive to my boat any others in the area anyone knows of that are reasonably priced not like starport marina at $20 in and $20 out want to take the family out for a fish Without breaking the bank
  14. i've fixed lots of motors and its kinda sounding like water has gotten in to the armature if you intend to run it threw warranty then don't open it take it to boat tech is the closest to you
  15. here is what i run on my boat
  16. ok i will throw another in to the mix synthetic rubber grip i own a big bear 7'6" 3/4 heavy rod got it at tacklestock.com and man i tell you im in the process of switching all my rods to these. the grip is outstanding.
  17. sailing and fishing is what i love to do

  18. @thejunkfisher
  19. So after Lots of checking and triple checking the connections and voltage to my terrova I finally decided to crack open the lower unit to see if the armature is ok I figure this should be fairly easy as I am presently doing an apprenticeship for a red seal certified armature winder like the minnkota ones only way bigger 100,000lbs and yep it was pretty easy for me as soon as I opened it water came rushing out and she was full of mud too so i cleaned and replaced some parts and were back working again. Once I figure out how to post pics I will post
  20. anyone with a terrova going by my place i live in grafton east of cobourg and care to stop by and try the foot pedal in mine to see if your works mine wont thrust pretty sure its the pedal but want to make sure thanks
  21. fished there lots when i was growing up too biggest muskie so far came from that lake 47" another good spot is where the channel ends just past mooring marina find the weed edge it is deep water one side 20+ftw and shallow weeds the other
  22. Way to go Ron I too grew up in Cobourg and fished the harbor all the time while growing up and still live in the area now with my daughter growing up I want to be able to take her out for a fish and the harbour is a perfect for her Ron when is your day in court My daughter and i will be there with fishing poles in hand at the court house in support any one else want to join us on that day just friendly rally in support Stand and talk about fishing while Ron has his day in court the more the better hopefully the point will get across.
  23. Plan on arriving at picton about 730 -8 am
  24. Heading to the bay for the big eyes sunday am anyone want to go pm me
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