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Posts posted by douG

  1. Leave everything packed until you need it. Kitchen, linens, etc., obviously get unpacked right away, but leave everything else until the need is there. Then, in two years, throw the leftovers out.

    Buddy didn't do this and actually moved stuff three times that was never unpacked. Guess it's garbage now.

  2. Yup. The topo map is great, it shows everything except water depth. And I mean everything! Since the screen updates so quickly, it will put you right on the bridge over the Credit on 403 at 120 Kph.


    You can test drive the map on Garmin's website.


    Look for the MapSource viewer on the upper right hand side of the page.

  3. Great report, Phil. Thanks for that post on your trip with Connie, Snady and Reefhog. How could you not have a great time with a crew like that?


    Nice toothy critter, too. I get my turn to put a hurt on some nw Ontario feesh in 5 weeks, and those great pictures get me droolin'.

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