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Posts posted by douG

  1. Cubs and Scouts for me. Learned how to light a fire with one match, or even no matches, how to pick a spot for a tent and pitch it, how to canoe, sail, kayak. How to tie all sorts of knots, first aid, and basic survival skills. All in Peterborough.

  2. I like this one Pam. It uses lime rather than lemon, essential to salsa imo.


    Blend jalapeño, cilantro and garlic until fine.



    2 jalapeño peppers, to start with

    4 sprigs of cilantro

    2 to 3 garlic cloves



    Add the onion and bell pepper to above mixture and whirl until chunky.



    ¼ onion, coarsely chopped

    ¼ green bell pepper, coarsely chopped



    Next I add tomatoes to above mixture and blend until chunky.



    4 to 5 roma tomatoes



    Lastly I add lime juice and salt to taste.



    juice of ½ a lime

    salt, to taste




    The salsa has a bit more body if you remove the juicier bits of the tomatoes first.


    A nice partner to the salsa if you are serving with nachos is guacamole.



  3. That depends on the wind strength, direction, your launch point etc. It looks fine for most fishable conditions, but would have some difficulty fishing those six foot swells we get if the wind is from the south, or worse, from the east.

  4. With this unit, there is one cable that connects both battery and transducer to the finder. Some distance from the connector, the cable splits into a 'Y', enabling you to not have to mount the transducer on the battery.


    Find and follow the wiring until you find the spot where the cable splits, and then find them battery clips. There might not be a good battery attached to them.


    More Info.


    Hope this hleps. Remember, don't believe everything people tell you on the interwebs.

  5. I've got two racks o ribs, coated with Snowball's dry rub, wrapped air tight in two layers of foil, on the cool side of the barbie. The temp indicator is showing 275 F, and I'm only using one of the five burners turned down to low.


    In two and a half hours, I'll put them directly on the grill to finish with Snowball's bbq sauce.

  6. If you are clearing brush with PI in it, don't burn it whatever you do. The irritant oil gets airborn and if you breathe some of the smoke into your lungs, you gotta whole world of hurt ahead of you.


    I'm very sensitive to the stuff and when I was a kid, could have added some photos to that gallery. Now, I keep antihistimines and cortisone cream handy. If it's more than just a few blisters, I go to the doc for prednisone pills. Clears it up in a day, with relief from the crazy itching in just a few hours.

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