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Posts posted by douG

  1. Rig your line thru an egg sinker with a floating jig head with a worm section on the hook. You can jig the worm section down to the bottom and let it float up.


    Small blade baits like Cicada can be jigged to resemble the hatching mayflies too.

  2. I'm flying to Winnipeg then driving to Red Lake. I looked into flying from the Peg to RL, but that flight was almost as much as the Toronto - Winnipeg leg. The drive should take about 4 hours, and will save about $2000 for the four of us. The minivan rental from Sunday morn til Friday eve runs around $600.

  3. Thanks everybody. I sure was surprised to hear from Kevin with the news! Deg has it now, and we are arranging dropoff tomorrow eve. I'll let everyone know how it works out!


    I think Art has it right. The RLG was impressed with the fact I actually caught fish for the derby, and even more impressed when I told her the news of the TV.

  4. Ok, the gear is sorted, the car is loaded, coffeemaker is set for 4AM and the gweeches are wrapped and packed. I should be there for breaky around 8 am.


    I'm only taking three reels and two rods, but can't deal with the whole bait thing. I know I only need one lure, but I'm still bringing 50. That's cause I don't know which lure I need. Usually, on the way home, I realize that I never did find out which lure I needed.


    Any special instructions or advice before I shut down?

  5. Clive, that was a superb report, rivaling the best I've seen on the board. Those four pike in the middle of your post were stunning - who sez you can only catch fish like that in Holland or Ireland? The pictures were well done (gotta play with depth o field tomorrow at Lakair), but the prose was even better. Nice writin'! I enjoyed that very much.


    You and Jon made the trip to the west arm once, hope you get to do it again.


    A big welcome to the new fambly member, too. Best to you and Jillian, hope all goes very well for you.


    Thanks, as well.

  6. Ok, so now everything is good to go for the weekend,Im jacked as jacked can be and I hope I can atleast get a few winks of shut eye tonight.


    There are more than a few who feel that way today, Brian. Congrats on the new sponsor, and good luck tomorrow.

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