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Posts posted by douG

  1. There are some new members that don't quite get the point here on this board. If you have something to say, say it, then back off. That's the end of the deal. If you didn't write clearly the first time, fix it in another post. You've stated your opinion, and made your point clear. That should be the end of the whole thing, unless there are other issues that you need to work out. Please move those issues to some other forum.


    This is how we get along here. If you don't like that sorta method for getting ahead, go ahead and try something else. We don't need to hear about gps duels at 40 paces.


    Especially the personal comments and insults. This is definitely the last resort of a limited mind. Some boards have a rule that you cannot use any other member's name in your post. We don't do that here, because we like to be able to say, "Nice fish, Nater", for example. But a directed negative comment, such as "U R such a losr!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! U dont 3vn wa$h you're pwnd laundry, fisherdooderino_666", really looks sorta stoopid.


    Move it up a notch, or move along.

  2. Most of the tribs in Zone 42Q are high and blown, better to drive to 61V, near the park. They should be cresting right now in V-land, and clearing and dropping by 1 pm on Thursday. Thursday around 6 pm as the sun is setting also has a favourable dropping barometer, and a major solunar event at the same time.


    Why am I telling the whole internet about this great opportunity? I MUST BE CRAAAAAAAAAAZY!!!!!!!!!!


    Please post pics, it's the least you can do. And don't tell anybody. See you tomorrow afternoon.

  3. This might help.


    What Riparian said is true. Copy the pictures from your camera to a spot that you can find later, in your computer. Then get into the OFC gallery, or photobucket (better), and upload your pictures from your puter, from that spot you remembered, to the internet. If your picture can be seen on the internet, it is easy to post it, or link to it, and put it in your OFC post. If you use OFC to host your pictures, you might need to shrink them first. Photobucket does this for you.


    Send me a pm and I can walk you through it no problem. The first time was a trick, I remember, but now it is no big deal. Most members new to this would agree with that.

  4. I think you might be right in that the fault is in the 'proving' circuit. Every coupla years, my gas furnace won't stay lit. I disconnect this little bar that sits in the flame, polish it with some fine sandpaper, and reinstall, bingo.


    This sensor sends a small current when it is heated in the gas flame, and after a while, it gets tired and needs to be polished for it to work properly.


    Your gas dryer might work the same way.

  5. Steel line? For one thing, it keeps you in contact with the strike in a way that downriggers and dipseys don't, while still allowing your bait to run deeper than with a flatline.


    Steel line use puts the lie to the use of braids (rip their lips off etc). That monel steel has even less give than braids do, and I don't remember seeing my lure come up on a steel line with fish lips on the hook.


    I haven't used steel line for many years, preferring braid while flatlining, and either braid or mono for the downriggers.

  6. Last Sunday afternoon, I was heading west on the 401 near 427, and and a bunch of idiots were passing a blunt between the cars at 120 km/hr.


    At least they were taking precautions - a nice big hemostat and it was the passengers in the back seat that were doing the handling.

  7. What the Corvette guy said. I looked at that purchase as an investment. I take my outdoor time very seriously, and only get out a dozen times a year, so my comfort in any weather is a big deal. Buy the best you can find or afford, and you will never regret being warm, dry, and comfy.


    The first time you wear it in cold, rainy, windy weather, the sticker shock will just melt away.

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