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Posts posted by douG

  1. Baitcasters are better at some things than spinning reels, and, as luck would have it, they typically like different rods too (yahooooooo!).


    Baitcasters work better dealing with heavy lures or in heavy cover, with heavy rods, while spinning gear is better at most other things. The jury is still out on trolling or downrigging.

  2. Anyone remember when Steve cleaned out his liquor cabinet and brought it all to Lakair when he was selling his cottage...


    It brought a tear to my eye.. It was beautiful..


    The good ole PigeonPuker days. Had to move his tent every morning.


    Good luck Steve, I'll have a bowl of Pho for ya.



    Yup, Steve. The original days of the Near West OFC Anglers and Swillers were sumpin.


    I know you will keep in touch with us, and I have a feeling we will sit down for a bowl of pho again. Best to you and the family.

  3. A piece of string walked into a small town on a hot, dusty day.

    He was thirsty, so he sauntered into the first establishment he

    encountered and asked the waiter for a glass of water.


    "Sorry", said the waiter, "we don't serve strings here."


    Discouraged, the string walked out. A little further down the

    street, he met a stranger.


    "You look hot," said the stranger. "Why don't you go into that

    cafe and get a drink of water?"


    "I tried that," said the string, "but the waiter wouldn't serve

    me anything because I'm just a string."


    "No problem" said the stranger. "I'll fix you up." He grabbed

    the string, tied him in a bowline and frayed his ends. "Now try it."


    The string slipped back into the cafe and asked the waiter for a

    glass of water. "Hey," said the waiter, "aren't you the piece of

    string that was just in here?"


    "Nope," retorted the string, "I'm a frayed knot."

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