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Posts posted by douG

  1. Alright already, I see the little knapsack on the back, and also saw someone at the beginning of the clip under a parasail. I would still like to see the chute deploy part of the flight.


    And another thing, I still really dislike those flyin monkeys.

  2. I agree with 4thGen about the in the water performance of what you are suggesting. I also think that this might not work all that well on top of the hardwater either. If you have to, see if you can find some extra brunteuse lifejackets to wear over and on top of your cold weather gear.

  3. A good find there Skeeter, a fine explanation of how MRI works and how it's different than x ray exposure. Note that there are limits legislated for non ionizing radiation too like MRI, and all of these are exceeded by your cell phone, based on 8 hours continuous exposure.


    And Wayne tried to steal my story, but yupper, find a local provider of Active Release Therapy. This gizmo will let you find help for your problem in your neighborhood by entering your postal code. These professionals are physical therapists, occupational therapists, or chiropractors, that have received a certain type of training. The treatment is a type of deep massage that breaks up scar tissue along your nerves, from the endings all the way back to your back. It smarts a bit, but no bone cracking is involved.


    It doesn't really matter to an ART provider whether the problem is in your wrist (carpal tunnel), in your forearm or elbow (tennis or golfers' elbow), in your shoulder, or in your neck / trap area. It's all the same to him / her, and results from the same sort of problem. Follow the link and learn about this yerslef.


    I betcha here, right now, that your first treatment will help with a 60% improvement, hitting 95% after 3 more treatments, and then done, as long as you stop doing what caused the first problem. This was exactly my experience, with the same complaint that you described, numbness and tingling along the bottom of my hand, including Mr Tiny. You still have to fix the cause of this whole thing by using better tools that keep the joints in a neutral position, reducing the force you need to apply, and cutting down on the time you do the same thing over and over. Those three factors explain why someone who operates a jackhammer for 1 hour a day can have the same problem as a computer jockey at it for 12 hours a day.


    Many health insurance companies in the US will not pay for RSI surgery unless AND until ART has been used. Success rate over thousands of sufferers is 90%, even when the folks are scheduled for surgery, or have had failed surgery. I am currently running 19 successes over 23 recommendations, so about 7 out of 8 are much improved. Note that surgery has a typical success rate of only 50%.


    If your first treatment don't work, let me know, and I'll make it right for you. Just PLEASE don't let anyone cut you before trying this.


    I should paste this to my desktop for handy reposting. Ah gots the religion.

  4. That was good stuff there, TbayBoy. I almost felt like I was there in the tent too. Wait a minute, what's that smell?


    Jed, I thoroughly enjoyed your journey as you pursued a windbreak that wouldn't blow over. That was good too. You're right, if this wind would just STOP, I'd be fine.

  5. I think we should have other sub boards where we can discuss all the non fishing topics, like a plumbing board, and a busted car board, and a bird feeder board, and a new arrivals/sudden departures board, and a snow shovel board (for RJ). Can I hear 'All Right'?


  6. Ramble / RJ, and others, too.


    Let's all consider this:


    Thumper: He doesn't walk very good, does he?

    Mrs. Rabbit: Thumper!

    Thumper: Yes, mama?

    Mrs. Rabbit: What did your father tell you this morning?

    Thumper: [clears throat] If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all.


    That was 1942, already, I thought we were through this by now. Pay attention.

  7. This is my float suit, branded Nautilus 1000.




    By the description on the Helly page, they are identical, apart from some colouring on cuffs and other badging.


    I fully recommend this suit or one like it. It's warm, soft, protective, roomy, well engineered, life supporting, fully approved, and with a touch of neoprene.


    Just like SWMBO (She Who Bust Be Obeyed).


    Oh yeah, the best part is that it has suspenders built in, so that the suit hangs off the straps instead of strangling your neck.

  8. Those are both fine suits, Glen. I looked for pfd approval, neoprene cuffs at wrist, zippered ankles AND SUSPENDERS when I bought mine. The suspenders keep the suit from hanging off yer neck and choking you, and reduce the dreaded bunching thingy.


    The Mustang is by far the more better suit, but you get whatcha pays fer, being more spendy and all, but still without the suspenderers.

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