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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. Every year I head up to Lake Nipissing a couple times. I always stay in the west end of the lake close to the town of Lavigne. Generally this section of the lake is very flat and weedy only getting as deep as 11 feet. I have found some good spots over the years but this time I may try to adventure further than usually. With a 25HP motor it would take me around 30 minutes to get to the Hay Narrows. Does anyone know if it's worth the ride? Is the water deeper there? Could I target pickerel or smallmouth bass there? Personal message me if you'd like if you don't want to display info. Thanks a million. Laz
  2. Thanks for the info. I did some reading last night as well to find out that they can spawn as late as mid June sometimes. I'm going to try and fish for them mid summer. Can't wait! From what I read getting a hook set can be hard.
  3. A large river in Southern Ontario.
  4. I saw 1 big Gar Pike (about 8lbs) with 5 smaller ones swimming directly under it and following it all over. Was the large one a female and the smallers ones males??? Is it too late for spawning??? I don't know too much about these fish but man they're beautiful. They kept surfacing and exposing their snouts. Any info would be great. Thanks
  5. So this year for me has gotten off to a pretty slow start. Fished 6 or 7 times in the gta and every time I either got skunked or caught only one fish. I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. I decided to call up an old friend from high school (that I hadn't seen or fished with for 10 years) and see if he wanted to fish the river in the small town we grew up in. He was game! Started fishing at 9am and finished around 3pm. So glad I bought myself some waders. The river was beautiful and the weather was perfect. Time was just flying by being that I hadn't seen my buddy for 10 years. We couldn't stop telling stories about growing up together. At the end of the day we caught: 8 Pickeral 4 Smallies 2 Pike 4 Rock Bass All catch and release for others to enjoy another time. Also seen a huge female Gar Pike ( 8 - 9lbs) slowly swimming with what I think were 5 smaller males right under her. Must have been spawning? I thought it was a little late for that? Man did I ever need a day like that. One hour outside the city makes the world of a difference. Only saw one other fisherman the entire day. To top it off two Bald Eagles were flying overhead. Must have been a good omen. Laz
  6. i believe this is why ontario has different limits and regulations for different zones. i'm referring specificly to my zone not all of ontario. lots of fish north of the french.
  7. yes! nobody wants to say it but it's so true.
  8. this is exactly what i'm suggesting with also maybe reducing the limit 'slightly'. human population continues to grow meaning more and more fisherman. seems logical to me.
  9. This may be a touchy subject and I'm really not trying to stir the pot here. Over the last 15 years fish populations have reduced substantually. Yes, there are many factors for this but are people keeping too many fish??? In zone 16 of Ontario this could be had with a sporting liscense in one day: Hit a Lake and keep - 4 Walleye 6 Bass 6 Pike 1 Muskey 50 Perch 30 Crappie 50 Sunfish 2 Lake Trout 12 Whitefish and so on......... Same day hit a river and keep - 5 Brook Trout 5 Brown Trout 2 Rainbow Trout and so on......... Well that would be an amazing day of fishing and realisticly would never happen but, just that fact that the law makes this a possibility, does seem suspect. The good thing is that a large percentage of fisherman are conservationist. This all comes down to one question. Who believes that fish limits should be further reduced from the current limits?
  10. i hit that spot last week as well as ashbridges bay and caught nothing. no followers. not a bite. there were no weeds in site and the water looked a weird greeny colour. every spring i give my local waters here in toronto another chance and am disappointed every time. the one spot i've yet to hit though is toronto island. can't wait to get up north and fish water that is clean and full of life.
  11. do i need to go even further north than albion conservation area?
  12. has anyone had any luck fishing the humber (north of bolton) for brown trout or anything other than chub? i live on the humber ravine in etobicoke (by woodbine race track) and can't believe how nasty the water is here. an article from the star mentions how industrial companies just north of the city have had over 700 chemical spills and over 900 oils spills in the last 7 years. the water north of bolton looks great! i caught a ton of chub but am hoping to land some trout or even sucker. any insight to either of these topics would be great. thanks laszlo
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