Hey Captain let me tell you something if I was to try and quit smoking on willpower alone I would last about 90 minutes.
You have to be ready to quit if you think your ready talk to your doctor about Champix, for me Champix has been a wonder drug.
You must have noticed your circle of friends that are still smoking is getting smaller mine is of the people I consider close friends I was the last one who smoked and where once 75% of our office smoked that number is now 10%.
I don`t want to sound preachy but the benefits of not smoking are incredible after only 12 weeks I have noticed I am breathing much better and walking up the stairs is not a chore any more.
I have about 300 bucks more a month in my pocket,my car does not stink,my clothes do not stink,and my garage does not smell like an ashtray any longer.
But the biggest benefit in my opinion is not be held hostage by that nicotine craving pretty much everything I did was based on my need for smoke.
When your ready go talk to your doctor,Champix maybe what you need to change your life.