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Posts posted by captpierre

  1. I will run a down rod with 1-2" out then my leader but also as far back as 100' it all depends what the fish want and how many rods are out.


    If I'm running 6 rods I will have 4 out on the boards two on each side. Then I will have two down rods one 15-25' the other usually starts at 5' then goes shorter or longer from there.


    What usually happens with a down rod is they get the fish that are looking for baitfish that have been hit by the boat/prop or just stunned by the boat passing over. These musky are usually hungry and very active that is why a very short line will get eaten.


    The other part is 15-25' your looking for the fish that are not as aggressive but still looking for a easy meal that was shocked by the boat passing over they will hang out in the back if the prop wash.


    It's a rush to have them fish eat.


    Thanks for that.


    Ya, I think the muskies have learned that the boat spooks baitfish and makes them easier to find


    But didn't think they'd take a lure that short.....good to know

  2. Good video I did not mind the toons but I'm not as OLD as some around here :whistling:


    I cant wait to get back on the soft water for slime come on June 7th


    The Down rod can be deadly with just a inch or two of line out from the tip of your rod and its a rush when the bait is 1' under the water and they slam it, some times before the drag goes off they are air born that gets the blood running


    Hey Mike, you're not serious about "an inch or 2" are you?


    How far back do you run your lures?

  3. Do what they do in Europe where energy is way more expensive.


    Heat only the space you spend time in.


    Spare bedrooms, laundry rooms etc -close vents or shut off baseboards. And close the door.


    Just don't let the pipes freeze.


    Remember electricity is significantly cheaper at night.


    When we run the dryer, I close the door to the laundry room and open the window. Keeping the dryer from sucking heated room air out.


    We are empty nesters in a 5 bedroom house. Only the master has the heating vent open.

  4. i hope you maxed out the hp.


    legends and trackers are famous for under powering their boats to reduce price on the show floor.


    regardless, have fun this year! :)


    90 HP min I hope


    probably comes with a 50 or 60 hp

  5. My buddy has the same boat with a 90 2 stroke and its a DOG to get on plane. Not bad once it up on top, but takes forever to get up and go. 3 guys and fishing gear, we have to put a guy in the bow to get on plane. Honestly, I dont think the 115 will be much better, but i'd definitly suggest getting it.





  6. Guys.


    We are all seeking Truth. Why are we here?


    Is there a God? If there is, what does this God want of me? Am I accountable to God?


    Is there an eternity or do we just rot after we die and that's the end of us.


    If there is eternity, what happens after I die?


    The Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths teach that there is a God, and an eternity.


    A Godless one, Hell. And one in which God dwells, Heaven.


    After much study, I have come to the conclusion that God is real, and there is more to us than just this body and life.

    As a Christian, I have found ample evidence in the historical accuaracy of the Bible. The clear fulfilment of prophecy (predictions) made centuries before they came to pass. Lots of heavy duty scientists, after pursueing the meaning of their existance, have come to the same conclusion. Many have not.

    But IMO it takes as much faith to believe in Evolutionary Theory, and that we are all here by chance, than it does to believe in a Creator.


    I think it is important for all of us to sort this stuff out. There may be eternal consequences.


    It's easy to blow this stuff off. But, intellectual laziness and following the crowd is not an excuse when you stand before God one day and have to answer for your life.


    For those that want to learn more, start with reading Lee Strobel's "Evidence for God" Written by a former atheist.


    We are all students of, and love, nature. I choose to believe it was created- not sure how, exactly. You can certainly believe otherwise.


    Nuff said, Peter

  7. 2 forms of evolution


    Microevolution- proven. variation within a species - colour, type of beak, length of neck, size.....much change over the eons is obvious and true

    Look at dogs and wolves. Not natural selection but by man. Wolves, Yorkshire Terriers to Great Danes. Same species.


    Macroevolution -the type of evolution we were all taught in school - species changing into new species and ultimately man- very much in doubt

    by more and more of the openminded scientific community


    Nevermind the origin of life. For which Darwin and Dawkins have no answer

  8. 24 Hrs is too short for sure.


    However, you don't want to spend anymore time in a hospital than you have to.


    It's full of sick people. Greater chance to get an infection in hospital than at home. The Babe too.


    She would have had that complication whether she stayed or was discharged.


    Pain needs to be well managed. They are caught though, meds pass thru to the Babe. Less is better.


    I remember when we went into the delivery ward for our first delivery. A woman was screaming in labour.


    The nurse told us with a smirk. "She's Italian.....they are very vocal, you'll be fine" and we were :)

  9. I have a Lund 17.5 Tyee from the Boat Show 2007. Might be a lttle heavier than the Impact.


    It came with a 115 4 Str Merc package. I changed to Yammie 115. ($1K extra)


    With 2 guys in the boat, perfect horsepower. 42 mph


    With 4-6 family, shoulda got the 130 or 150. Poor hole shot loaded heavy.


    Have to send somebody way to the front to get the bow down.


    thought you should know.

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