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Posts posted by captpierre

  1. Not sure what to think of all this. Most experts agree that  human activity is a major driver of climate change. Some say it’s mainly a natural cycle. 

    What to do?  Should our society make radical changes in how we do things?  Canada contributes 3% of the world’s greenhouse gasses. 

    If we did would it improve things? My concern is for future generations. I’ll be long dead when it hits the fan-  if it does.

    I fear my grandkids will say of us baby boomers:

    “You polluted the earth, you did nothing to slow climate change and you left us with huge government debts that weren’t there when governments ran balanced budgets.”

    I’d be upset too.  

    Just sayin. 

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  2. Most walleye are near the bottom. Near rocks or weedbeds. They seem to prefer a wider wobble. Like you get with advertised walleye crankbaits. In the fall fish tend to be deeper. Get what ever you use near the bottom. Use a bottom bouncer to get down if you need to. Try different speeds. 1-2 mph trolling usually. But I’ve caught them at faster speeds. Dawn/dusk is best. Even better just before a storm. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Sinker said:

    Seafoam is a stabilizer, so save your money and stop using stabilizer and seafoam. The lucas isn't doing a whole lot either IMO.  Premixed fuel will burn just fine in your car too. 


    So many fuel myths. 



    The concern is the myths and misleading claims by the manufacturer. 

    Independent testing  under controlled conditions by a lab not paid by any manufacturer is what is best. 

    Otherwise you’re at the mercy of myths and slick advertising. 


  4. Stupid crazy here on north Pigeon especially long weekends, then regular weekends mainly between noon- dinner time. Midweek in summers pretty quiet. Dead midweek in June and after Labour Day.  

    Several guys speeding by in the dark without lights on last night. People never learn. 

  5. On 8/30/2019 at 5:50 AM, lew said:

    I took this picture of a loon that kept swimming under my boat quite a few years back on Pigeon Lake and your right, it's a great experience to watch that sort of thing. I figured maybe a school of fish was sitting in the shade of my boat and the loon was taking advantage of easy pickings LOL


    Nice pic, Lew.  I hear they can’t dive too deep. Their feathers repel water. Cormorants, on the other hand, can dive deep. You see them sitting and drying their feathers. I may be seeing less of them here in Pigeon. Are hunters taking them out?  Love loons. Cormorants not so much. 

  6. 4 hours ago, hutch4113 said:

    It appears that my pedal just bit the dust as well.  Glad you posted this, as the symptoms appear the same.  Not getting full thrust - and now no turns to left or right.

    I am debating a new Pedal - or going with Co Pilot.  How as the Pedal run for you, now that you have had it for a while?

    Runs perfect, Hutch.  New pedal seems more robust  

    Now wishing I had a hand held remote and more importantly the anchor feature. 

    Some new players in the trolling motor market now. I’ll wait and see what happens next year or 2.  I might survive till then. ?

  7. Today I find 2 dead skis floating to shore. Approximately a 40 and a 36 inches. 1 hr apart. Not decomposed. Looked normal. 

    Likely from foul hooking or poor landing and handling.  Hopefully not a disease. 

    Need to handle these guys with care. Especially in warm water. Quick release  

    Happened to me last week. Caught one jigging for eyes. 10 lb braid line. No steel leader. Just 12 lb fluorocarbon leader.  No Muskie net. Took too long to land. Had the jig deep but got it out no problem. She thrashed and I dropped her in the boat. Live release after tail hold. Swam off but stayed on the surface for quite a while. Hope she survived. 

    I should always have a Muskie net on board. 

  8. I guess they’ve shown that less meat in our diets is healthier. Recently they  found even white meat is no better than red meat.  The worst meat seems to be deli type meats preserved with salt peter. ie ham, sausage, salami etc. There are strong cancer risks.

    Im a butcher’s son and am used to lots of meat.  But I’m cutting back.  It’s not easy to replace meat. Trying to replace sandwich meat with egg salad, canned salmon etc. Not sure about these meat replacements foods  

    I think the best nutritional advice out there:   Eat a variety of foods. Mostly plants. Not too much. 

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