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Gordy Mohr

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About Gordy Mohr

  • Birthday 06/10/1957

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  • Location
    Kitchener(New Mogadishu)
  • Interests
    Trout, Salmon and photography

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Album : The Great American Death Rattle Group : Youngblood Supercult
  2. so much for what "scientists" say, and yes I still believe its a hoax to control people. believe what you want
  3. what is hilarious is how many gullible people believe so called "scientists" who promote what they are paid to promote for a paycheck. just as many scientist have opposite views and evidence to that which mckenna , trudeau , bill nye(the pseudo-science guy) and greta and the UN preach whats even more incredible is how people want to willingly line up for more taxation and eventual theft of their wealth, land and freedoms..........in name of climate change
  4. climate change is a natural occuring event. been going on since the earth was formed. liberals using this to steal more money from us. and the lemmings that have been brainwashed by liberal teachers from kindergarden through university are passing this on to the next generations. What I fear is the UN and agenda 21.
  5. Cosmic Blues album by Black Elephant. wear headphones and play it loud?
  6. The Sorceress by Deltanaut.............its over 16mins !
  7. Gordy Mohr


    Lake O in May
  8. Toronto Make Beliefs/Toronto Makeme Laughs/Toronto Unbleliefables/Toronto Maple Losers will never, ever win the Cup again.
  9. You may very well be correct GCD, I was down there during summer and the Kudzu was thick! I didnt see any other plants where it flourished. I have no idea what that boxwood looks like, but I know Kudzu when I see it. And down there I seen alot of it! Gordy
  10. Ive see this Kudzu down in Tennessee. It takes over and nothing else will survive where its established. Another invader becoming more prevelant in Ont is the the Giant Hogweed. It was imported as an ornamental shrub and has now started to sprout where it hasnt been planted. This plant can be toxic to certain people causing severe dermatitis.
  11. $800 bucks for a cowling is robbery. Unbelievable how some people would take advantage of a situation like this. Maybe theyd change their mind if they were mentioned in a certain site as being a bunch of crooks. Maybe, they would loose more than $800 bucks of buisness. What do you think?
  12. Well, OK, they admitted they knew about the loose cowling, and let you rent it anyway. There is no way you should have to pay for that. They knew there was a problem and didnt fix it. Why should you have to pay? Thats crazy.
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