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Everything posted by hookerdown

  1. I have been fishing up at Dalrymple for years now. It has some pretty good bass (LM and SM), pike, walleye and muskie. Was up there for openner and there were a lot of boats dispite the weather. We have caught some biggies too, 4 lb+bass, 48 muskie, 5-8 lb pike, ( i have seen 14 lbers caught there too), nice walleye, (been low in numbers in the past but they seem to be coming back, but I would recommend minimize the numbers you keep). We did okay on Saturday, 2 pike about 4 lbs each, nice 3lb+ walleye, an OOS smallie, and a monster 15" perch. There are number of bass and pike tourneys there through out the spring and summer too. Unfortunately it does have a high number of zebra mussels too, and access to a boat launch is minimal. There is one at the narrows (I don't think its well maintained); Lazyee Acres (almost $17 to launch ouch), I know Meadow's end has a launch too but I am not sure if they let the public use it.
  2. You fish for smelt using a dip net or seine net. Some guys on Simcoe catch them while ice fishing using a glass bead and a small treble.
  3. I would go with a laminate floor. When I had a condo, I ripped out all the old carpet and put laminate (8 mm) and it made a huge difference. I was in Costco last week and the had 11mm with the foam insulation already glued at the bottom, it was priced at $0.77 sq foot. If I had the money I would have bought their whole inventory right then and there and replaced my carpet in the basement, and my hardwood floor (it has gaps in between the boards). The down fall to the laminate floor I bought, was that I found it chipped relatively easily at the edges, but during instalation and afterwards. It might have been due to the flooring being thinner, but I am not sure. A word of caution though, I bought a laminate floor blade (10 inch) for my mitre saw at twice the cost of a regular blade. By the time I had finished the flooring in the condo, the blade was dulled. The flooring was a pain to cut with the blade near the end. The cuts were not as clean, the blade was not going through the wood as fast, resulting in the ends getting chipped. I don't know if a fine toothed blade is good enough. You might have to get the blade sharpened before you are done. Good luck.
  4. Bin Dominated.... See my wife if she lets ya!!!!! or Marked trail..... on my back. or Followed the trail but you still got lost.
  5. As someone stated earlier, check your regs to make sure the lake you choose is actually open to fishing (of any type). The lake I fish for Pike/Walleye openner is closed to ice fishing and does not open for any type of fishing until openner in May. But then again, you can help the economy and get a nice fat fine, I hear they are tough to chew but are not bad once you clean em.
  6. Thanks Scucog, I didn't even manage to go hunting last fall, and only managed 3 trips to simcoe this winter. It sucks. Bite... I hope everything works out. I remember as a kid my dad and uncles (during their many debates) all saying that this country has the best health care system. Right now i think we are no where close. In Malta, (where my family and gf are from) meds, dentists, eyewear, all that is taken care of. Australia is the same. I want to know, in the late 80's when the GST and the fatties in Ottawa and Queen's Park were lining their wallets, where did our health care system come to play. And yes there is a lot of waste and that needs to be addressed. My mom worked at a hospital in Mississauga, and I tell you the money was not fanned down to the staff. She got hurt on the job cause the hospital did not fix or replace something that needed repair, now she her back is pooched. I love this country and there is no place like it, but its sad how our elected have brought down this great country, while they made sure they got some great pay raises, they are sending our boys to fight, and way too many (even 1 is too much) are getting killed. Once i would like to see the politicians at all levels take a hit to their wallets, like the rest of us.
  7. Forget going to the States (if you could).... Get the system fixed up here!!!!! If there are any MPs, or MPPs lurking on this board take note. We have people dying for no good reason!!!! We are supposed to have a top notch health care system, which now is falling down the wayside. My girlfriend was a Nurse in pediatric ICU back home. She was born here, went back to Europe as a kid, now we are fighting for her to get back her Canadian resedency. She is not permitted to work, has no health coverage, has no rights at all (did I mention she was born here), she literally has less rights then a refugee. Until Immigration has completed their 1st review of her file, she/we are outta luck. They are 3 months behind in their paperwork. But the government did manage to milk us for $4k so far (did I mention she was born here). In the meantime, our hospitals are crammed and in need of nurses, and she is not even permitted to flip burgers. I am sure if your buddy was a pro-athelete, the MRI would have been done by now, (funny how the Baseball, Basketball, Football and Hockey stars all get MRIs for the slightest injury in a matter of hours). I hate to say it, but nowadays in Canada, money talks, and Joe public bends over and gets the Royal Treatment!!!!
  8. Congrats to you and your family. Better go get the baby set up for the up coming fishing season, you don't want him to grab your stuff now do you? lol Enjoy your new fishing buddy.
  9. I know with all the people on the board there must be some great mounts of trophies caught during many hunting and fishing trips. So this is your opportunity to gloat and share your sucess. Post the pics of your mounts, the good, the bad and the ugly. And lets hear some of the stories behind them.
  10. Thanks Guys. Both my brother and I didn't think the fish would be a record breaker, so we didn't even think of taking a picture with a measurement showing the length and girth. That being said, it seems Ontario no longer keeps a C and R record book. Who thinks a spur of the moment ice fishing trip would end up with a record fish... I have been skunked too many times to think anything like that. As far contacting the people who know, I have emailed the OFAH and the MNR and haven't heard anything from them as of yet. I am not expecting any miracles at this stage of the game. But knowing that I have achieved a record, even though it is unofficial, has always been a dream of mine, and that is one thing that can't be taken from me. Now all I need to do is catch that Tyee this summer lol. Apparently a lot of guys would have kept the Burbot cause they're good to eat, but I got a feeling it was pretty old. But if I have kept it, it would have be up for the offical record, and knowing that puts a damper on it a bit. Then again, its in Simcoe somewhere ready to be caught again when its even bigger, hopefully being caught by a kid. Hey Diggyj do you think the burbot would have weighed 19.5 since they are more eel like than most fish. If 19.5 lbs is correct that would make it almost as heavy as my largest muskie (48" I got 10 years ago). Hookerdown
  11. Yea we knew it was a bubot, but we couldn't believe the size of it. I always thought they might get up to 8 lbs but definately not as big as that one. When I saw its head the first thing i did was check for teeth cause I knew the only way I could get it in was by shoving my hand down its yap.
  12. I'm bassassin's brother, and the guy who caught the Burbot. I was a member a few years ago, and just signed back up today. I'm trying to figure out the set up of the board. In all my years of fishing I thought I would never be proud of catching a Burbot, but after catching that beast I am. The good news is after my brother took the pics and the video, We let here go, and with some sweeps of her tail she went into the depths of Simcoe. Unfortunately we didn't get a weight on it, but I am dying to find out more accurately the weight of the fish. When we brought it up the 8' hole it barely fit. The girth was about 20". I think for it to be an official record for starters, it has to be kept, which it wasn't. I checked the Ontario and Lake Simcoe fish registery and there is no catagory for Burbot. Does any one know how if or can get it be registered as a catch and release record? Thanks James I just want to thank my brother for all his help with the burbot. I have been lucky enough to have my brother by my side for all of my largest fish, a 48" muskie, 18lb Coho, 27lb Salmon, 12 lb rainbow and now the Burbot Thanks Jay for everything.
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