Forget going to the States (if you could).... Get the system fixed up here!!!!! If there are any MPs, or MPPs lurking on this board take note. We have people dying for no good reason!!!! We are supposed to have a top notch health care system, which now is falling down the wayside.
My girlfriend was a Nurse in pediatric ICU back home. She was born here, went back to Europe as a kid, now we are fighting for her to get back her Canadian resedency. She is not permitted to work, has no health coverage, has no rights at all (did I mention she was born here), she literally has less rights then a refugee. Until Immigration has completed their 1st review of her file, she/we are outta luck. They are 3 months behind in their paperwork. But the government did manage to milk us for $4k so far (did I mention she was born here). In the meantime, our hospitals are crammed and in need of nurses, and she is not even permitted to flip burgers.
I am sure if your buddy was a pro-athelete, the MRI would have been done by now, (funny how the Baseball, Basketball, Football and Hockey stars all get MRIs for the slightest injury in a matter of hours).
I hate to say it, but nowadays in Canada, money talks, and Joe public bends over and gets the Royal Treatment!!!!