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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. The tent was good, except for the sqeaky door, I kept waking everyone up in the morning as I am an early riser....they are not :P


    We stopped at both French River Trading Post and Moose Lake, more for my friend than me, I'm not a shopper. Her boys sure were happy leaving there though, they somehow managed to find something at both places...imagine :) If you like fudge though, there's good stuff to be found at Moose Lake ;)

  2. Great photos and trip report Moe. Was nice to see you again and meet your friend, her sons and the dog. We are home now and I'm just uploading the pics for a report :thumbsup_anim:



    I figured you got home before me as you passed us as we got back on the highway after a stop at Tim Hortons in Parry Sound, and that was after a stop at the Moose Lake trading post...lol


    Glad you made it safely home



  3. I went up to Lakair for a couple of days and took my best friend and her two boys, their first fishing trip. It was really nice to see Joey, Paul,Roy, J, Joe, Art, Lew and Dianne, their daughter Sherry, it was also nice to meet Joey's son Al and Roy's son Phil.


    The weather was pretty good for Wed and Thurs, Fri, it was overcast for a good part of the day, then it rained from 4pm and didn't stop until early morning Sat. Unfortunately as a result I couldn't take the boys out fishing before we left, so I will try to get them out one more time this season.


    They had an awesome time, and I really enjoyed watching their reactions to everything they saw and did....as they say pictures say a thousand words, so I'll let them tell the rest for me :)


    Home away from home



    Legolas's Castle






    Size does matter :) This is Roy's motor






    First ride in the boat



    First ride ever in a Bass Boat



    Marvin watching over the boys



    Kaelebs first Pike, caught off the dock :)



    What it's all about






    I would like to thank everyone for helping to make this such a memorable trip for the boys, especially Art for taking them out for a ride on your boat, and Joey for letting Kaeleb try his first fresh fish....they will be talking about this trip for a long long time, and are already asking when they can go back :)


    I will post a few more photos a little later on



  4. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I'll go with the 10lb Trilene....Sat. is going to be a good day, the boys don't know I'm coming to take them to Bass Pro shops...they won't find out until I show up at their door and tell them to go get their reels....they are so excitable it's fun to watch their reactions :)



  5. Hey all, I am taking two young fellas with me when I go to Lakair next week. I bought them their fishing rods about 4 yrs ago and have decided to re-spool their reels. Any suggestions as to what to use? I was thinking either 6 or 8lb test, but should I go with mono or??? Here they mostly fish Sturgeon lake or on a rare occasion Simcoe, but after Lakair they will be camping for a few days and will be fishing from shore on the St. Lawrence I'm told, so I want something with a bit of strength and is durable.




  6. I've tented lots over the years, but usually in the smaller tents, when I was young I was in canvas tents, and with my scout troops as well. My friend and her boys are used to their pop up trailer with the canvas top so we're all good, and wow, I'm glad the wifi reaches...those boys have ipods and will be thrilled at night :)



  7. I took my best friend, her two boys and her parents fishing on Sturgeon lake today. I rented a 24' pontoon boat from Lunge Haven (great service) and off we went. I went out to the general area I had fished with Big Cliff last year, and hoped for the best :) There were no big fish caught, although the older boy, 11 yrs, did get a nice little large mouth, so he was pretty happy, even if it wasn't a Walleye ;) This was the first time fishing with their grand parents, so they were pretty stoked. Each boy managed a double header with one grand parent and everyone caught at least one fish.


    After spending 4 hours out on the boat, we were fortunate enough to have permission to fish off Big Cliffs dock if the boys weren't ready to call it a day....of course they wanted to keep going. It was a not stop perch/sunfish extravaganza :) I could barely keep up with putting worms on and taking fish off...by the end of the day though, I had both boys doing it for themselves most of the time :) The younger lad,8 yrs, also managed a small small mouth, his first, and the older one caught his first Blue Gill...


    Overall it was a great day, with great company, and great weather....the boys asked at the end of the day if we could make this a tradition....hmmmm....I think I can manage that :)



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