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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Today was, what has become an annual trip on the water with my friends two boys, and this year we took along my cousins 9 yr old son for his first trip on a boat. We went to Lunge Haven on Sturgeon lake for the third and last time. It seems there are new owners/operators and I was less than impressed.


    I took out a 24' pontoon boat about 9:00 am and it was a bit windy...the wind didn't let up all day, and as the motor was not working right I couldn't move around too much. The fishing was tough in the cool windy conditions, but the boys were troopers and stuck it out.


    My friends 9yr old managed to put a decent perch in the boat...and that was it for a couple of hours. We started to head back in the direction of Lunge Haven, st opped a few times along the way with no luck. Came to a spot not far out from Big Cliffs, watched some construction guys hard at work on his new boat house, and low and behold, my cousins 9yr old managed a nice sized Pumpkin Seed...he was a little excited to say the least :)


    That was the end of any catching in the boat, it was time to head in...the boys fished from the dock for a bit, with only 3 little to play with. We had to meet up with my cousin to return her boy to her, then headed over to Pigeon lake to fish off the visitors dock near my mom and Beans place...1 little baby and that was it. Time to pack it up and head for home.


    The catching was minimal at best, but the boys all had a good time I'm told...now to try to find a new place to go for next year...that won't break the bank for a half day on the water...



  2. Hi everyone, ,once again I am asking for your help. The weekend is getting closer so fund raising is in full swing. The fist 100 people to raise $200.00 by Friday will have an extra $100 added to their total. Every little bit helps and it goes to a great cause as you all know.


    I tried to imbed the links but was unable to do so, my appologies.


    Thanks for all your help and support to date, it's very much appreciated.



    On September 7-8, 2013, I'll be participating in a very special event called The Shoppers Drug Mart® Weekend to End Women’s Cancers™ Benefiting The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

    The Weekend is almost here, and your donation will make it possible for me to reach my goal—of walking, and working toward a future free from women’s cancers.

    I've committed to raising at least $2,000, but I've set my personal goal at 2500.00. Use the link at the bottom of this email to visit my site and make an online donation to support me.

    When I reach my fundraising goal, I will walk "approximately 60kilometres in two days ! with thousands of other women and men. Every dollar we raise will IMMEDIATELY go to support breast and gynecologic cancers research, treatment, and services.

    I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me and support me in my fundraising efforts. It’s down to the wire though—please help me by making a donation today!

    Thank you in advance for your generosity,
    Maureen Manning

    Click here to visit my personal page.
    If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

    Click here to view the team page for Keenan's and the Crew for the Cure
    If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

  3. I had to work last night, the only subways still closed are from Kipling to Jane due to flooding of a sub station, everything else was back up and running when I left there at 5am.


    Glad everyone seems to be ok, up in in Penetang there was only an hour of rain before I headed out to work at 7:30 last night...not sure if it rained again...now it's clear skies and sunshine here...


    Hopefully a quieter night tonight...

  4. Well, I got a surprise text late this morning, 11:47 to be exact saying we were good to go fishing today...didn't take me long to call him up and set a meeting time. I didn;t figure the chances of catching anything were that great, but it beat washing the car and siding on the house, so off I went...with my second rod this time.


    A little after 12:30 I'd say, we were off. The spot he picked first surprised me, we had got Bass there in the past, never Pike, and the weeds are really late coming up, but whatever. Within 5 min he had a fish on...cool..., this time it was his turn for equipment problems...he managed to get it to the side of the boat and before I could get the net (he said he didn't need it) the clip on his swivel broke and bye bye fish and lure...his favorite Mepps Black Fury...I can relate...


    We reposition, he ties his new lure on, no leader this time. Nothing happened for a while, we move a little further out and down and switch up our offerings, before long, he has another, he says bigger than the first, which was about the size of mine the other day...got it near the boat, not sure what happened, but he lost it.


    The wind picked up a bit, so he decided to move to a spot that was a little more sheltered. While we were moving I switched up my lure again. Got settled into the new spot, threw my Mepps 4 out there and she bit...a nice little tug, a bit of weight to this one...I played a bit but didn't want to take the chance of losing it, so under the net went and into the boat....


    This one was a 26", with a decent Girth to her, and will make a tasty dinner I'm sure. When my neighbors husband gets home he's going to show me how to clean it.


    Hopefully I'll get another shot at them before too long...




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