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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Awesome day!!! Couldn't have ordered better, Great weather, great friend, only one lure sacrificed to the fishing gods, cute pup to visit with on shore..and ya, a good amount of fish boated and lost....never a dull moment....and I got lunch too :)


    Thanks again Cliff, looking forward to the next time :)


    Oh and tell Sue next time I'll bring some of my Blueberry Muffins instead.... :P


  2. That's unfortunate Brian, in fact it pretty much sucks...would never own a place that can dictate what I can and cannot have in my home....I think Beans should get one of the pups to help exercise the girl he has now...'just sayn'



  3. Oh, make no mistake mercman, the only reason I would want Steve to sell the boat it so that he can buy a more fishing friendly boat :) Even better would be to get my boat back on the water...


    It was a good day over all, lots of sun too :) but ya a fish or two would have been a bonus :)



  4. I met up with Steve at 8:30 and we were off, I thought for Bass territory. Steve, not remembering that Bass season was open took us back to where we got out Pike last week. I don't care either way, I like pretty much any fish that will take my offerings :) Sadly there were no Pike to be had today, so we went across to a small island and it looked like good hunting grounds. I had several hits right away so I was thinking this was the spot....until I hauled in a 3-4 inch Perch that is :wallbash: lol


    After a little bit of time there we headed to a spot where we raised a nice Bass last year (spit the hook at the boat), but this year there we no weeds to be found, not sure if it's too early there or what, so off to try one more spot, and again, no takers.


    While I had a great day on the water and it was nice and calm I was pretty frustrated that once again I had brought pretty much nothing into the boat....that is until we got to the launch and only one of 5 boats had managed one keeper, and a couple were skunked....there's hope for me yet :D


    We'll see if I can do better next week as it's back to work for me tomorrow...



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