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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Went out onto Georgian Bay for a couple of hours this afternoon....great weather!!! First spot we were too far out from shore and the wind kept pushing us out further so we moved to a nice little bay off one of the islands. Honestly I was just so happy to be out on the water and hanging out with a good friend I wasn't paying much attention....until I felt a light tug on my line....I brought in a little piece of weed..at least it was something.


    Tossed the Rapala back out, felt a little tug when I started reeling it in...gave it a second to rest, then reeled in quick and had a fish on....my friend saw it before I did and said it was a Pike. She gave a decent little fight...once I got the tension properly set :wallbash: turned out to be a decent 26" Pike and the only fish of the day.


    We stayed for a little longer drifting the area, then took a ride around a bunch of islands and just enjoyed the rest of our time out there....hope to do it again soon!



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