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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Sandercocks has never been the same since Bod passed away a few years ago. I have a lot of memories fishing there with my kids. Now they are growing up and sharing with my love of the sport. That's what being a dad is all about, enjoying what you love with your kids. I hope they will share with me that passion for years to come.




    fishman2202's dad (Tony)



    You're right it was never the same again, I am still in touch with Bobbi-Jo. Rice Lake was where I also learned to fish, got my first and biggest Bass there with my now step-father, it was 1 1/2 lbs....very long time ago :P



  2. Yup, that's a great dad allright :) I used to have a trailer at Sandercocks, lots of my family did as a matter of fact, it's a good area for fishing. Be smart in the boat and don't take chances, and don't forget to take your dad fishing from time to time :D Oh, and be sure to treat him really well tomorrow ...



  3. Best line in a movie "humans are a virus" from the Matrix...wish I could remember all of it....it's so true in my opinion...


    as for the beers....I still have to work tomorrow so no go for me....but may partake in a few over the next week as I'm on VACATION!!! :thumbsup_anim:



  4. I apologize if I've missed a list already started, but if I didn't I thought I'd start it ;) I have taken to baking my own bread and cinnamon rolls lately and will be baking dinner rolls and bagels next week as well. I thought I'd bring some for the pot luck, but was hoping to make it fresh there....will someone let me use their oven as I'm in a tent this year....



  5. Just wondering, why is it always at the same place? There is a lot of water in this province. You have to drive right past some of the best fishing in the world to get THERE.



    Just taking a guess here, but I think it has something to do with the great hospitality we get at Lakair, and we know them. It's a great place to go with a group....and ya, the fishing is pretty good too :D



  6. I'm not going to get too involved in this, but remember, there's always more to the story than the media reports, and secondly, give the barganing a chance, they are talking and as long as that is the case then there is a chance things will be worked out. There's not much point in getting all worked up about it at this point....


    Enjoy the weekend and go fishing...



  7. Sorry to hear that Cliff, but dang I hope my Sportage lasts longer than 330000, I've had it less than 2 years and have 150000 on it....


    Skeeter, not sure what vehicles your co-workers have, or how they drive, but my Sportage gets better mileage than the cars of a lot of guys at work, actually better than most small SUV's even the CRV in a lot of cases....now to be fair mine is a 5 speed so that might help, and I rarely go faster than 110km.


    Cliff, enjoy the Sedona, I know many who do...



  8. ok, I may not be the best one to answer this as I can barely skate :D I would say the best way to reach your goal, is first and foremost, practice, practice practice, work on the fundamentals, listen to your coaches and mentors. After all that, if you're good enough, you can try to get drafted I imagine, definitely go to school, so hockey scholorship would be great if you can get one, I imagine the OHL teams have walk on tryouts if you don't get drafted through regular channels. Lots of ways I imagine, but first things first, be really good at the basics and most of all, have fun!



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