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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Well it was yet another great time at Lakair for me this year. There were lots of people who were missed but those of us who made it up made the best of it :P I arrived Friday around noon, got set up and began the visits, no fishing that day :) Sat. Lew was good enough to share a cup of coffee with me while we waited for everyone else to wake up and Loonietoon was kind enough to allow me in his boat to net his fish, and that is what I did.


    For the most part, I'll let the pictures speak for me...


    Home away from Home

















    Strategy session







    ChrisK checking out the new Kayak



    ChrisK's dog Sam, don't think I ever saw him dry :D





    TJ Shooting a Pike



    Loonietoons fish that I was allowed to net :P



    Someone is getting hungry



    This one is for Joe and Art :D






    TJ and family returning



    Prize table









    This is the fish that TJ cooked up, I ate more fish St. night than I have in the last year or more :) Man was it tastey and those who cleaned them did a fantastik job!!!!



    That's it for me, after the fish was cooked the camera got put away :) Thanks to all who donated all the great prizes, and again it was great to see some old friends and meet some new ones. With luck I'll head up there again in late summer early fall for a couple of days.



  2. First of all, it's called WFN "World" Fishing Network, to me that implies fishing around the world??? If you don't like it, don't subscribe, or write the network and instead of complaining about the shows they have, maybe suggest something you'd like to see. It's possible there aren't that many fishing shows out there? Strangely there are likely people out there that like some of the programming you don't, go figure. Like any other TV network, watch what you like, don't watch what you don't like, it seems all very simple to me, but then I am a very simple person.



  3. both had spectras

    now one has the van

    and the other guy has the 05 magentis

    he gets 400km on 55 litres of gas !!!!

    i dont know about anyone else but in my books thats bad!!!!!!!!!!

    my 2002 extended montana uses 8 liters for 100 km city/hwy



    i like the style of the kia van

    and i think cliff & bly will love it.



    Dang, 400km to 55L is horrible!!! I get at least 600km to the same amount of litres a little more in the summer...not sure what he's doing to get so little....



  4. I managed to find some directions to Devils Lake access rd. Not entirely what you're looking for but better than nothing?


    Directions: From Minden, take Bobcaygeon Rd. to Deep Bay Rd. (County Rd. 2) and continue to the Devil’s Lake access road. Or, take Hwy 35 south of Minden through Moore Falls to Deep Bay Rd. and follow to the Devil’s Lake access road. ** pick-up at the intersection of Country Rd. and Hwy 35 (just south of Moore Falls) must be arranged as parking is not permitted.


    There are directions to a hiking trail....I'm sure with a bit of more refined searching you can get more specific info...




    More info : It's now called Salerno lake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salerno_Lake ,

  5. Happy day to all the fathers out there, and those that are soon to be :) I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!




    You don't need to spend a lot of money to make Dad happy. Just take his car for a minute and fill it up with gas. Or let him just sit there staring blankly at the tv without having to talk to anyone. Or better yet, when the whole family sits down for dinner, announce that 'Dad, you were absolutely right!' That'll make him smile. Just don't get specific or the compliment will unravel in a hurry.


    Red Green

  6. Closest I came to that was thinking I had a snag, yanked on the lure and reeled it in fast....turned out it was a Musky nibbling and when I pulled it's meal away it slammed it.... I cannot post the pic as it was OOS at the time....I was fishing for Pike...



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