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bill smy

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Everything posted by bill smy

  1. i wouldnt say that...try more up river
  2. Exaxtly why i fish it as it is my closest steelhead river.
  3. I fish close to alliston, i caught a few but not the normal. Some of my favourite spots went private property. The notty is not my favourite river because all the how murky, slow and loggy it is.
  4. I certainly agree i was told by another fisherman that natives were gill netting hundreds of trout.
  5. I certainly agree. Not always those 5 lb ones but certainly some pan sized ones to be found in spots like that.
  6. So for the past few weeks i have been on the search to find that 5 lb brown trout in my local river. I havent found him yet but i found some of his siblings. Some caught on the fly with little drys and others with little spinners. Heres a few, alot i didnt take a picture due to help catch and release.
  7. In the bolton area its the odd trout. Downriver near Toronto is more carp and salmon and steelhead. The river is not worth fishing for bass as there is not a good enough population and you are more likely to catch chub and suckers.
  8. No bass at all. Few browns can be found if you put effort. I live near it the river too.
  9. saw some people today get busted on a trib for keeping 6 trout more than there limit and also with out a licensce. Nice to see the CO's doing something
  10. Well I woke up at 5:30 am and decided to go to a trib 30 mins away. When i arrived it was zoo of fishermen. Very few steelies and tons of fishermen. I decided to leave and go to my local river 5 mins from my house for some brownies. Had a blast with not one fisherman in sight. Caught maybe 20 little trout and a couple over 10 inches. Most caught on the fly with bead head nymphs some others were caught with little spinners. This is just a was a sample of one of many fish caught today.
  11. Hey everybody, i was wondering if the eastern ontario tribs would be fishable. With all the rain I was curios if even these streams would be fishable. Im looking to go out tomorrow if conditions are okay. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. So yesterday, I dicided to get out with my son and we got to the spot and put our waders and of we go. We have only just started steelheading in the recent years, but as an avid flyfisher I can read a river pretty well. I chose to go to a bigger river that is always murky because the lack of rain. With the bright sun, we went to the pools with shade. We tried roe with no success probably because there so crappy tied. Can you buy eggs so you can tie them yourself????? I decided to put on a pink worm and my son put on a silver mepps. He instanty started catching small trout around 6 to 10 inches. We got to a big logjam and first cast he gets one!!!!! It does a swoosh and the surface and the reel goes sceaming. Being only 13, my son has learned how to play a fish and not to just reel it in. It comes in and its a beutiful 5 pound female. My son asks wheres the mepps, then I feared the worst. This river has only been catch and release in the last couple years and this fish had inhaled this spinner. It was about 3 to 4 inches inside his mouth. If I tried to take it out it would surely die. So i figured the best way for it to survive is to cut the line. This taught me a lesson that always when catch and release is to use single barbless hooks. But why wouldn't they put that on the regulations? I didnt bother taking pictures after being very occupied at the time even though I had my son there. It was going to get dark and we were about a km up the river so we had to hed our way back. I felt sad the rest of the day. Was this the best thing to do???? Bill S.
  13. I live neargy too, the humber valley hertage trail is really good. Humber can use some help, they do already do little stocking up river, but more would would be a bonus!
  14. Last year i put some when nothing else was working I put some pink yarn on like a worm with berkley trout attractent and caught some decent steely's
  15. That areas pretty dead. You either have to go to the lower area or the headwaters
  16. the odd fish, but not worth targeting yet, just wait till the next rainfall
  17. thnks, the section was above essa.
  18. Hey all, i went to the notty to see what was happening and as I went to my favourite spot, i found it covered in no trespassing signs. I talked to other fisherman who were coming back and they just said that you have to stay in river and it doesnt matter. Is that true? I decided to go to another spot. To those who want to know how i did i caught lots of small rainbows and had 2 nooks on and 1 landed on the fly. Srry no pictures because of my bad memory of bringing the camera. Good to get out for a while. BIll.
  19. Oh!!! the cowichan is a river of heaven!!!!!
  20. I always fish there every summer. Lots of lakes with rainbows that are wery well stocked and easley caught. Check out websites like gofishbc.com or stuff like that. Dont bother with steelheading as you have to buy a 60$ stamp as well as an expensive licence. Check out the local tackle and fly shops to see whats happening.
  21. What were you using? Spinners, worms ect. You should get into fly fishing in that river. Also go in the evenings or mornings for better results. The big guys will likely be more willing to take your lure/bait. The only problem about that section this time of year is the tempreture. It puts a lot of stress on the fish. Bill.
  22. You guys eat chub! How do they taste?
  23. woops!!!!! I guess i never said anything.
  24. woops!!!!! I guess i never said anything.
  25. Hey all, im going to albion hills conservation area this weekend and i have fished the humber river with success, but what species are in the lakes. I have been told they stock trout in some. Is that true. Any information appreciated. Thanks. Bill S.
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