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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. My sister is a costume designer, Im gunna get her to make me a knock of CO uniform for halloween and then wear it when im out on the water, I wont talk to anyone or anything but from a distance maybe just maybe it might make some people think. lol ! Neighbourhood Watch II.


    I sure miss my uncles dark green dodge ram in the 90's we would pull op on a creek and people would scatter...

  2. I have no clue and and me and the mrs are headed up to an outpost cabin ( only cottage on the whole lake) past n. bay up by the Quebec border for the last week of trout season . I was wondering if any one would care to share some go to presentations for this time of year? It's not a huge lake about 2 miles long by two miles wide. I have been up in the winter with ok success but never in the fall.

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